Monday, March 31, 2008

Sifats 14-20 (RT 24/2/08)

Risalah Tauhid 24 Feb 2008

The next 7 sifats are associated to the previously discussed sifats. According to ulama, there's a need to reiterate them to impress the point:

14. Kaunuhu Qadiran
God is powerful. While previously discussed "Al-Qudrah" described God's power, "Kaunuhu Qadiran" states that God is indeed all-powerful.

15. Kaunuhu Muridan
God wishes. His wish and will have been described in "Al-Iradah".

16. Kaunuhu 'Aliman
God knows. His knowledge has been described in "Al-'Ilm".

17. Kaunuhu Hayyan
God is alive. Definition of his life has been described in "Al-Hayat".

18. Kaunuhu Sami'an
God hears and listens. His hearing has been described in "As-Sami'".

19. Kaunuhu Basiran
God sees and looks. His vision has been described in "Al-Basor".

20. Kaunuhu Mutakalliman
God speaks. His speech has been described in "Al-Kalam".

Said Ustaz Zakaria: There are many techniques in learning. Sometimes after you go home from lessons, you need to ponder and do revisions. Then it will come to you.

Wallahu a'lam

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Sunnah Hi'ah (MM 30/3/08)

Munyatul Musolli 30 Mar 2008

Continuing with "sunnah hi'ahs" in solah:

13. It is sunnah to say the "takbiratul-intiqalat" at 5 places in solah:

  1. while bowing for ruku'
  2. while stooping down for the first sujud
  3. while sitting up from the first sujud
  4. while lowering the head for the second sujud
  5. while rising from the second sujud
14. Sunnah to raise both hands exactly like you do for takbiratul-ihram during:
  1. bowing for ruku'
  2. raising from ruku' for i'tidal
You start raising both hands when you start moving your head (up/down) to perform the above

15. Sunnah to raise both hands while rising from the non-final tasyahhuds.

Wallahu a'lam

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Poem - Why Learn Islam the Traditional Way

Excellent piece by a brother who reverted to Islam, then trapped in this strange so-called-dogma, then alhamdulillah found the right way to enjoy Islam. Im’sure he’s enjoying Islam just like I am. So make sure you learn Islam from the right syaikhs and the right way.

By: Aaron Haroon Sellars © 2007

Before Islam I was lost
And after Islam I was lost
Between this and that group
Was I tossed

A bookstore Shaykh
Not even worth a dollar
With do-it-yourself Islam
Who needs a scholar?

Tossed so much
Might as well been a salad
I was quoting Hadeeth
But my wudu was invalid

If I can’t purify my outer
Then what about my inner?
Piles of books
But still a big sinner

What I know, doesn’t show
And now I know better
That’s what happens without the spirit
And only the letter

So attach myself I must
To scholars with unbroken chains
For this is the means
By which pure knowledge remains

Wallahu a'lam

Safwatu Tafasir 27 March 2008

Finally, last night I was able to follow Ustz Ahmad Jim's Tafsir with the right kitab.

Surah An-Nisa' ayaat 114-122. A lot of ilm I got in 2 hours (ilm tafsir and arabic).
Among them, as narrated in Sahih Bukhari, Allah calls upon Adam at the day of Judgement, and asks:

Did you know that for every 1000 of your descendants raised up from their graves, 999 enter the Hellfire?

Ya Allah, make me the lucky 1.

Wallahu a'lam

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunnah Hai'ah (23/3/08)

Munyatul Musolli 23 March 2008

'Sunnah Hai’ah are voluntary elements in solah. As opposed to 'Sunnah Ab’ad', leaving it does not warrant 'Sujud Sahwi'. There’re many of them, but here are examples:

1. Raise both hands at beginning of 'takbiratul ihram'.The palms are opened and level with the shoulders. The fingertips straightened upwards and level with the uppermost part of the ears. The thumbs level with the earlobes.

2. Then lower both hands and place them underneath the chest. Clasp the right over the left wrist.

3. Perform the above (1) and (2) while saying the takbir.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: Say “Allahu…” while raising the hands, and “…Akbar” when resting them under the chest.

4. Recite the 'Do’a Iftitah'.

5. Say the 'ta’awuz' in each rak’ah – "A’uzubillahi mina syaitonirrajim”.

6. Say “Amin” after finishing 'Fatihah'. Say it loudly in the 'loud' solahs and silently in the 'silent' solah. Also say “Amin” together with the imam.

7. Pause (saktah) between end of Fatihah and saying “Amin”.

8. Pause between saying “Amin” and the start of next surah.

9. Pause between the surah and ruku’.

10. Recite a surah after Fatihah for the first 2 rak’ahs. For solah in congregation, this is sunnah for the imam only, while for solo, it is sunnah for everybody.

11. Length of surah is chosen as follows:
  • Long surahs for Subuh
  • Shorter for Zuhur
  • Medium length for Asar and Isya’
  • shortest surahs for Maghrib
12. Recite following surahs for Subuh of Friday: Alif-Lam-Mim Sajdah and Hal-Ata.

Added Ustaz Zakaria: In kitab fiqh by Tok Kelaba, it is sunnah to say do’a “Rabbighfir-li-wa-li-walidaiya' between Fatihah and Amin. This is for Fatihah reciters only, not for the ma’mums who are about to say “Amin” for imam’s Fatihah.

Wallahu a'lam

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Sifats 12-13 (RT 10/2/08)

Risalah Tauhid 10 Feb 2008

12. Al-Basor

Means God sees without eyes. His seeing is eternal and not affected by time whether the object has been, still is, or will exist only in the future. His vision is not reduced by object brightness, distance, or size.

God is able to see:

  • Objects that are visible or invisible (to human eyes).
  • Objects that are far and near.
  • In light or dark.
  • Objects that are exposed or hidden.

When we believe that God is all-seeing, then we submit to His commands. We will do as He orders and will stay away from those he forbids. We will not even steal when people are not around.

13. Al-Kalam

God speaks without mouth or voice as creatures do.

This is an eternal sifat that shows the "wajib-aqli" (must) such as what He says in Al-Quran:

I am God, and there’s no God but I

And He also says a verse to show the "mustahil-aqli" (impossible):

…(as the Christians erroneously say) verily God is the third of the three.

Next he also mentions the "jaiz-aqli" (possible):

And God created all of you and those that you do.

So it seems that the sifat “Al-Kalam” is singular, but in fact is multiple if we view it from the perspective of what being said:

  • Commands (Amar) e.g. to fast in Ramadan.
  • Prohibitions (Nahyu) e.g. gambling is forbidden.
  • Information (Khabar) e.g. stories of the Pharaoh (Fir’aun).
  • Assurance (Wa’d) e.g. Paradise (Jannah) for those perform good deeds.
  • Intimidation (Wa’id) e.g. torture (Hellfire) for the defiants.

Wallahu a'lam

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Sifats Ma'ani (RT 6/1/08)

Risalah Tauhid 6 Jan 2008

10. Al-Hayat

Means God is alive. He is alive but does not breathe and is not in composition of the 4 elements (water, fire, earth and wind). He is in no need of eat or drink..

Al-Hayat is an attribute that had no beginning and has no ending. This sifat forms a basis for the other 6 sifats (some already discussed, some are not):

  • Al-Qudrah
  • Al-Iradah
  • Al-‘Ilm
  • As-Sama’
  • Al-Basor
  • Al-Kalam

Al-Hayat and the 6 attributes are collectively known as “Sifats Ma’ani”.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: God composed men from 4 elements: fire, water, earth, and wind.

11. As-Sama’

God hears without ears. This eternal sifat means God hears clearly whether an object has existed once, still exists, or will exist only in the future.

Nothing escapes His hearing:

  • His hearing penetrates through walls and prevails over noise.
  • He hears things that emanate sound or things that are silent.
  • His hearing does not diminish due to distance or loudness.

When one is aware of “As-Sama’”, one becomes self-consious on what appropriate to say. Things to say should be in accordance with one’s belief. This is manifestation of true faith.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:

  • Making “taqlid jazmi” means that one has faith in Allah, but the faith comes by following others (trend, fashion). This person never learned Allah’s sifats in detail. However, if those he followed waver from their faith, he still upholds his.
  • Some ulama say “taqlid jazmi” is already valid, but some others don’t agree.
  • Evident (zahir) aspect is a manifestation of the hidden (batin). From this we can deduce that someone who misbehaves means his faith is lacking.
  • Jurispundence (syari’ah) is not separable from inner-truth (haqiqah). This is the rule in tasauf.

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sifat 'Ilm (RT 2/12/07)

Risalah Tauhid 2 Dec 2007

9. Al-'Ilm
God knows everything, existent or not. Including those has existed once and those that will come into existence later. God also knows things that never ends such as the joy of Paradise (Jannah) and the torture of Hellfire (Jahannam).

As we understand from Al-Quran Surah Saba ayat 3:

He is the Knower of the unseen. Not an atom's weight, or less than that, or greater, escapes Him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear Record.

God knows what is in our heart. Therefore we should be afraid to commit sin. People who have reached this station (darjat) are truly those who know and believe the 'ilm (knowledge) of God.

Wallahu a'lam

Sifat Iradah (RT 25/11/07)

Risalah Tauhid 25 Nov 2007

8. Al-Iradah
Means God wills. He makes other things and leave other things be, as He wishes. So Muslims have conviction that everything has happened and will happen because God wishes so. Yet all men have been allotted their share in rizq (worldly bounty) - if they put some effort into pursuing it.

In Al-Quran Surah Qasas ayat 77, we understand from God:

...forget not your portion of the world...

With "Al-Iradah" in mind, men still have to perform the good and stay away from the bad. Only then leave things to Allah's will while looking forward to good reward in this world and the Hereafter.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: Allah "wills". This is altogether different meaning from Allah "in need of", because He's never in need of anything.

Wallahu a'lam

Friday, March 21, 2008

Creed - Jabariah,Qadariah (RT 18/11/07)

Risalah Tauhid 18 Nov 2007

There’re 3 forms of creed worthy of discussion regarding God's attribute Al-Qudrah:

Qadariyyah – some people believe that whatever happens is solely an outcome of their own effort. God gave the power to man to initiate, but God has no say in the result.

This creed is rejected and deemed fasiq (defiant). How did the Qadaris come up with the idea that man determine their own destiny? The reality is that so many people live in misery, poverty, and affliction, even though almost all of them make every effort to live well.

Jabariyyah – this is the belief that whatever happens as per will of God. Men have no control over the good or bad. They are merely leaves of casuarina tree, being blown by the wind in any direction.

If this was so, there’d no use of heaven or hell-fire. There’d no need for God to send us His Messengers, Al-Quran, or the past Scriptures. This creed is totally in disagreement with religion, intelligence, and common sense. The Jabaris are judged fasiq as well.

Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’ah – the literal meaning is that “those who follow the Messenger and the majority”. We have total conviction that men exert effort, while God determines the result. And God rewards (or punishes) men based on his effort.

This creed is the rightful one, and takes the middle ground between the 2 extremes (Qadariah and Jabariah). Rasulullah (saw) also said – from which we understand:

The best of things (position) is the middle one.

Unfortunately, many of the Muslims have become “Jabaris” without them admitting it. We can conclude this from their sayings and actions:

  • If we ask a well-to-do person why hasn’t he gone on haj (pilgrimage). He would answer ” Allah hasn’t called me yet”.
  • If we ask how come this man and wife are divorced. People would say “it’s written (destined) like that”.
  • If we ask why this group of people are naughty, devilish, or so backwards. They answer: “that’s what God has allocated for them”.

o all these are dangerous accusations towards God. People blame God for their misery, while what we gather from what Allah says in Al-Quran Surah An-Nisaa’ ayat 78:

What goodness rewarded upon you is from Allah, and what hardship afflicted upon you is from yourself.

Notes from Ustaz Zakaria:

  • Imam Al-Ghazali once said: “some people while learning/teaching suddenly influenced by syaitan”. Meaning some scholars change their intention: Originally they teach to ebb away ignorance, then they turned around to teach for material gain.
  • Ulama of old it never crossed their mind to teach for the sake of living.
  • Judgment whether somebody has committed sin or not is based on physical evidence.

Wallahu a'lam

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Let's not forget to celebrate our dear Prophet Muhammad (saw) birthday

12th Rabi'ul Awal which is ...tomorrow...20th March 2008

Wallahu a'lam

Sifat Qudrah (RT 11/11/07)

Risalah Tauhid 11 Nov 2007

7. Al-Qudrah
God has the power and ability. He can create something and He can bring end to something else. Everything is under His domain.

Again, every action we make is just an effort, and Allah determines if the action comes to success or not:

  • To break a string into 2 parts, we cut it with a knife. Actually the string was broken by God , not by us, not by the knife.
  • Human effort is like a pen dancing on paper. It appears the pen made the writing. The truth is that the writing was made according to the hand (holder of the pen). The hand is Allah - this is the analogy.
Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sifat Wahdaniah (RT 4/11/07)

Risalah Tauhid 4 Nov 2007

Wahdaniah also means that everything (good or bad) we do actually is done by God. We initiate a task, but eventually it’s God’s action that ensures that task complete or not.

Ustaz Zakaria clarified: If you committed a sinful act, in actuality it was commited by God. But it is not an excusable deed, since syara’ (Islamic ruling) prohibits you from having anything to do with sin. All good or bad deeds are actions of Allah, but they originate from your effort.

Therefore we state that Oneness in God encompasses all of His being, attribute, and doings. We should reject any deviant ideology that associates God with anything else.

There’re traditions in our society (Malays in pre-1950 Malaysia) that in contradiction with concept of Wahdaniah. These traditions have been practised for so many generations that we are corrupting our faith (iman) unsuspectingly. Examples are festivals where a buffalo or a goat slaughtered to give “treat” to “spirits of the river” or “spirits of the tigers”. This is idolatry since we confer high position to spirits and jins – just like the musyrikins do.

Added Ustaz Zakaria: Meat from the slaughter is haram because the animal is slaughtered not in the name of Allah.

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sifats 3-6 (RT 28/10/07)

Risalah Tauhid 28 Oct 2007

I missed many lessons since last note of 9 Sept. Simply transliterating from the kitab:

3. Al-Baqa'
Means God has no end. He has been and will always be. Some other things (like heaven, hell, ruh) also have no end, but they were created so they don't fall under baqa'.

Beings fall under 3 categories:

  • The one that had no beginning and will have no end - which is God.
  • Those that with beginning but without end - e.g heaven, hell, ruh.
  • Those that begin and end - God's creation other than the above.
4. Mukhalafatahu Ta'ala lil Hawadith
God is different from anything created. He does not bear resemblance to anything be it in identity or attribute. He is not composed of flesh and bones or plants or mineral. When He does something, he does not need equipment like people do.

When there are quranic ayat or ahadith mentioning the "face" or "hand" of Allah, we should not think of Allah as having round or square face like men do. Nor should we imagine Allah's hand as muscular or soft. Only Allah know how his face or hand is. This is the position of the sahabahs, tabi'in, and tabi' tabi'in.

5. Qiyamuhu Ta'ala biNafsih
God stands on his own. He doesn't need a creator to create Him. He doesn't need a place to support a body.
He imposes rules on us for our own benefit, not for His. God is not affected regardless of us worshipping Him or defying Him.

6. Al-Wahdaniah
Means singular or one in being, attribute, or doing. God is not composed of multiple components. Nor is he a cluster of multiple identities.

Wallahu a'lam

Sifat Qidam (RT 9/9/07)

Risalah Tauhid 9 Sept 2007

2. Al-Qidam
Which means God has been there earlier since eternity. Nothing preceded Him since He created everything else. There is differing opinion among ulama whether the another word - Al-Azali can be used in place of Al-Qidam.

God is preceded neither in attribute nor being.

Wallahu a'lam

Sunnah Ab'ad (MM 16/3/08)

Munyatul Musolli 16 March 2008

Continuing with Musolli – 13 rukuns of solah:

  • 8. Sitting between sujuds (prostrations) with toma’ninah. After the first sujud, rise and sit in the “istirahah” (relaxed) manner. It is sunnah to put both palms on the knee with the fingers stretched out forward. Pause for a while only before returning to the second sujud.
  • 9. Reciting the final tasyahhud.
  • 10. Reciting the salawat (peace and blessings) upon Prophet Muhammad (saw).
  • 11. Sitting while reciting the final tasyahhud (#9), salawat upon Prophet Muhammad (saw) (#10), and offering the first salam (#12).
  • 12. Offering the first salam. Say at least “Assalamualaikum”. Moreover it is better to say “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh”, and do 2 salams: Once while turning the face a bit to the right; and once more turning to the left. It is sunnah to make intention to offer the salams to the angels, muslim jins, and muslim persons in each direction. It is also sunnah to make intention to end the solah while offering the first salam.
  • 13. In orderly sequence. Niat, then takbiratul-ihram, then recite Fatihah, then bow, then prostrate etc. Salam comes at the end.

Sunnah Ab’ad

These are the 8 elements in solah that warrant sujud sahwi if you skip them:

  • 1. Reciting the first tasyahhud.
  • 2. Sitting while reciting the first tasyahhud.
  • 3. Reciting do’a qunut.
  • 4. Standing while reciting do’a qunut.
  • 5. Reciting salawat upon Nabi (saw) at the end of first tasyahhud.
  • 6. Reciting salawat upon Nabi (saw) at the end of do’a qunut.
  • 7. Reciting salawat upon family of Nabi (saw) at the end of first tasyahhud.
  • 8. Reciting salawat upon family of Nabi (saw) at the end of do’a qunut.

If you skip any of the above (intentionally or not), it is preferred that that you perform two units of sujuds at the end of final tasyahhud, before the first salam.

Added Ustaz Zakaria: In case you skip any of the eight, and you forget to do sujud sahwi; then it is preferred that you do following:

  • State intention to return into solah
  • Perform two units of sujuds
  • Offer salams

The above is acceptable only if the time lapse after you’ve completed the salam is short, and you have not done anything to nullify your solah (eat, drink etc).

Wallahu a'lam

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Sifats Wajib of Allah (RT 26/8/07)

Risalah Tauhid 26 Aug 2007

The Fourth Statement

The "Must Have" Attributes (Sifats) of Allah

1. Al-Wujud
Means "God exists". Even the non-muslims admit this is so. The proof is from Quran Surah Luqman ayat 25 translated as:

And if you ask the unbelievers who created the heavens and earth, surely they would say "Allah created them".

Commented Ustaz Zakaria:
  • Existence of Allah is not comparable to "existence of creations".
  • Allah exists in name, being, identity, power, doing etc.
  • People of other religion admit there is God, but they don't know what their God is like. We Muslims should learn and not be negligent like them. Other religion does not teach their followers about their God as Islam does.
  • In learning about Islam, we should stick to the old syllabus or methodology, since the older generation were closer to Rasulullah (saw) compared to the later generation.
Wallahu a'lam

Friday, March 14, 2008

You Muslim? Read this.. (RT 12/8/07)

Risalah Tauhid 12 Aug 2007

To each muslim, it is compulsory to know and be convinced that God must have all-perfect attributes. Knowing him takes on the following criteria:

  • (1) True conviction – convinced with God attributes unwaveringly.
  • (2) Consensus – identify those attributes in accordance to Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.
  • (3) Proof – able to associate those attributes with dalils or worldly evidence.
Unfortunately, muslims who do not fulfill (1) and (2) are labelled as unbelievers (kafirs).
Those who are unable to associate with dalils, and blindly following others without proofs are called performing a "taqlid" (imitation). Until they try to learn to establish (3), they are considered "fasiqs" (defiant). These are positions of our ulama'.

Doing taqlid is dangerous. Sometimes you blindly follow your teacher, parents etc. In case they reverse their conviction, are you going to do the same? That's why you have to study ilmu "Aqa'id Al-Iman" (Tauhid) religiously. It is OK to do taqlid on Ilmu Fiqh, but not on Tauhid.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: You have to get a proper lesson in order to establish (1-3) and become convinced. All these we do to protect ourselves from going astray. True conviction (yaqin) comes in 3 levels:
  • Ilmul yaqin - you get after you learn in the proper Islamic way.
  • Ainul yaqin - you get after obtaining "warid".
  • Haqqul yaqin - obtained by those who already become "Friends of Allah" (Auliya' Allah).

Wallahu a'lam

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who is God? (RT 5/8/07)

Continuing 2, 3:

  • 2. If you look much further at the works of the carpenter, you see each is different than the other. Some are nice and smooth, while some look ugly. Most of the later works look better since the carpenters learn from the earlier generation. Thus we deduce that mankind have weaknesses. What they produce is proportional to what knowledge and skills God has granted them.
  • 3. If you look further at creation of man, the moon, the sun, animals, and plants; you will see that their being is in appropriate order. You see that man has intelligence, ability to speak and listen. Pondering over all the creations and their nature makes ourselves conscious of our own shortcomings. From there you realize that the supreme being who created all these must be powerful and knowledgable. That supreme being must have perfect attributes, and in no way comparable to any of its creations.
Indeed we know from the divine method and from the news conveyed by the prophets, that it is Allah The Exalted who created and renewed the world. All creations bear the wonderful marks of Allah. Being inferior creatures, we would never know the reality of His attributes.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: We should always observe things around us to remind us of Allah. Look at fish, plants; they have no intelligence, yet their life is is order. Who arrange all those? In tasauf, we always "take a peek" at God through the smallest of subjects.

The Third Statement

Knowing God and recognizing His attributes

It is “fardu ‘ain” (compulsory to each muslim) to get to know God and His attributes according to syara’. There’re many beautifule names (Asma’ul Husna) for God, but the most famous is “Allah” . Other names collected from Quran and ahadith include:

  • Ar-Rahman
  • Ar-Rahim
  • Al-Quddus
  • As-Salam
  • Al-Mu’min
Commented Ustaz Zakaria: Learning to know God is compulsory on ALL muslims, not limited to those who are religious only. Back during sahabah and salaf times, muslims already knew God. They did not have to study "Sifat 20" or "Risalah Tauhid" because what Rasulullah (saw) inherited to them was sufficient.

Also on this day Ustaz Zakaria gave ijaza to "Do'a Syattit" to his students as conferred upon him by Tok Haji Hassan. This do'a is recited to repel tyranny and oppression by enemy.

Wallahu a'lam

God exists..Really? (RT 29/7/07)

Risalah Tauhid 29 July 2007

There's a section in this kitab that discusses the language syntax to differentiate for "wajib" and "mustahil" between syari'i and 'aqli.

I dare not translate this due to my limited language skills. So continuing with the next section:

The Second Statement

Signs that shows God created the world

Indeed if one thinks and observes the creations, there is indication those are creations of God. It all came down from Oneness of God.

  • 1. Looking at the tables and chairs, we deduce that they cannot come into being by itself. Somebody had to make it.
Wallahu a'lam

May or May Not (RT 29/7/07)

Risalah Tauhid 29 July 2007

Mustahil 'Aqli also is divided into "dhoruri" (simple) and "nazhori" (complex).

It is common sense to say it is mustahil 1 is half of 3. On the other hand, it is complex to establish that mustahil for Allah to have partner or associate.

Likewise, Ja'iz 'Aqli also is divided into "dhoruri" and "nazhori".

If somebody says sometimes he stands still, and other times he moves about; we say - of course that is possible (dhoruri).

Consider this statement: "It is possible that Allah decides not to reward somebody who performs his religious duty regularly."
This is Ja'iz Aqli Nazhori since what we commonly understand is that Allah gives reward for those who perform good deeds. To establish that Allah may or may not reward, we have to start a lengthy discussion with scholars.

Commented Ustaz Zakaria: After looking at dalils (quranic and hadith proofs), scholars have agreed that it is up to Allah to reward or to not reward whoever he wishes.

Wallahu a'lam

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rule on Logic (RT 14/7/07)

Risalah Tauhid 14 July 2007

I missed this session, so I'm merely translating what's on the kitab.

Types of Ruling by Intelligence

When presented with a certain subject to decide whether acceptable or not, human intelligence will respond within 3 types of verdict:

  • That subject Must be true (Wajib ‘Aqli)
  • That subject is impossible to be true (Mustahil ‘Aqli)
  • That subject may or may not be true (Ja’iz/Harus Aqli)

Example of Wajib ‘Aqli – When it is said that Allah is “Qidam”, then it is not acceptable to say He is not.
Example of Mustahil ‘Aqli – When it is said that Allah is “New”, then this is impossible. This will be proven in later lessons InsyaAllah.
Example of Ja’iz ‘Aqli – When it is said that someone is at times standing still, and at other times in motion.

Wajib ‘Aqli itself is divided into 2:

  • Dhoruri – simple or sensible, without need of proof. Example: it is wajib ‘aqli doruri to say 1 is half of 2.
  • Nazhori – complex. In need of proof or deliberation. Example: To establish that Allah exists, we have to come up with evidence and lenghty deliberation.

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, March 10, 2008

Intelligence & Common Sense (RT 8/7/07)

Risalah Tauhid 8 July 2007

Ruling by Intelligence
Before learning to know Allah and His sifats (characteristics), one has to know the rules regarding intelligence (hukum ‘aqal), because it is the basis to reason Allah and His characteristics.

Defining Ruling by Intelligence
It is the ability to distinguish something from another, voluntarily. This ability comes from personal common sense, not dictated by custom, nor a set of law or regulations.

Defining Intelligence

It is an attribute given by God that separates man from beast. Beasts have brain, but not intelligence. Through intelligence we receive “ilm Nazariah” (knowledge achieved from thinking). From this knowledge, mankind is able to perform difficult tasks, and from this knowledge mankind get various benefit.

If we leave intelligence by itself (without divine guidance) we will never achieve rationality, stability, and wisdom. Syari’i rules- divine rules and guidance as set by Allah - is always required to tag along with intelligence. Likewise, syari’i rules cannot be enforced without any consideration with regard to intelligence. The syari'i rules cannot be enforced unintelligently, by a person without intelligence, or unto a person who does not possess intelligence.

Intelligence and syari’i can never be separated, one always in need of the other, vice-versa.

Commented Ustaz Zakaria: There're 2 categories of knowledge:
  • Ilm Nazariah - external, developed by intelligence.
  • Ilm Maknun - internal, God given.
Wallahu a'lam

Preface to Tauhid (RT 1/7/07)

Risalah Tauhid 1 July 2007

Mabadi (Preface) to Ilm Tauhid consists of 10 points:

  1. 1. The name to this branch of ilm (knowledge) - is called "Ilm Tauhid", or "Ilm Kalam", or "Ilm Usuluddin", or "Ilm Sifat", or "Ilm Aqaid Al-Iman".
  2. 2. The source of this ilm - Al-Quran and Hadith.
  3. 3. Essence of this ilm is regarding creed, belief towards God and His messengers; such that a person becomes a convinced believer.
  4. 4. Positions of deliberations: Characteristics of Allah; Characteristics of the Messengers; Nature of things and creations that proves existence of the Creator; Beliefs and statements (of the unseen) relayed to us by the Messenger(saw) such as the Heaven, Hell and Day of Resurrection.
  5. 5. Benefit of this ilm is such that we get to know Allah and His messengers, and that we get the pleasure and contentment of This Life and Thereafter.
  6. 6. How this ilm is ranked compared to the other branches of Islamic knowledge? - Ilm Tauhid is at No. 1 in priority.
  7. 7. Transmission. Prophet Adam (as) was the first person to receive this ilm, and he conveyed it to his people. So did the later messengers, until Muhammad (saw). Later scholars who compiled and formulated this ilm to refute those who digressed were Abu Hassan al-Asy'ari and Abu Mansur al-Maturidi.
  8. 8. Ruling: It is fardu 'ain (compulsory) on each sane person, man or woman, to obtain knowledge of this ilm.
  9. 9. Status of this ilm: The most noble branch of Islamic knowledge due to the subject being studied (sifats of Allah), and being source of other branches of knowledge. Also from what we understand from extract of a hadith: "Verily Allah has not obligated anything more noble than submitting to Oneness of God..."
  10. 10. Conclusion of this ilm - able to differentiate between beliefs that are right from wrong.
Wallahu a'lam

Sorry can't help it

I'm sorry can't help from posting this.

Results for Malaysian Election 2008 came out Sunday night- very impressive win for the Islamic based party. All praise due to Allah.

And let's make do'a that Allah make the future better, for Islamic education the traditional way.

Wallahu a'lam

Friday, March 7, 2008

Risalah Tauhid July 2007

This kitab was written in November 1952 by Syaikhs Abdul Ghani bin Yahya and Omar Yusuf. Actually this risalah is an enhancement of another document by Haji Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, the Head of Johor State Islamic Department - written in 1907, then added "syarahs" in 1926. Haji Abdullah originally translated this risalah from Arabic - the version being used for Egypt schools that time.

This kitab is an introduction to the subject of "Tauhid" or "Usuluddin". Talks mainly about the characteristics of Allah and Nabi Muhammad (saw). Of course it is an infinity to talk about who/what/how Allah is, but at least we should know 20 of them. That's what we mean by "The 20 sifats".

I'll try to refrain from saying too much due to its sensitive nature. Allah help me!
Said the syaikhs:


I start this risalah in the name of God the Beneficient, the Merciful towards his faithful servants in the Hereafter.

All praise to Allah, the God of the worlds. And mercy and peace upon our Nabi Muhammad (saw) the chief among the Messengers of God, and the seal of them. And mercy and peace upon his family and descendants and companions.

Wallahu a'lam

Rukuns of Solah (24/2/08)

Munyatul Musolli 24 Feb 2008

Continuing with rukuns of solah:

  • 5. Ruku', which is bowing down with both palms reaching down each knee. MUST include toma'ninah (pause a while before the next move).
  • 6. I'tidal, which is rising up from ruku', with toma'ninah.
Said Ustaz Zakaria: Sunnah to say "Sami'Allahu liman hamidah" while rising, followed by "Rabbana lakal hamd" while in proper standing. Make sure you pause all movement (toma'ninah) before proceeding with sujud.
  • 7. Sujud (prostrate) twice. Each with toma'ninah.
Conditions of sujud:
  • Must sujud on something or article of clothing that you do not carry. Example: Permissible to sujud on the tail of turban that is long enough such that it doesn't rise together when you raise your head. 2nd example: Permissible to sujud on part of telekong cloth (for women) that doesn't rise together when you rise.
  • The following must be in contact with the floor: forehead, both palms and all fingers, and all toes. The forehead must be (a little bit) pressed downwards. The posterior must be in higher position than the head.
Wallahu a'lam

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Rukuns of Solah (17/2/08)

Munyatul Musolli 17 Feb 2008

Continuing with rukuns of solah:

  • 3. Standing up (Qiyam) in the obligatory solah.
Even if you have to lean onto a wall or something else. If you're too weak to stand up, then you can sit down; if too weak, then lie on your right side; if too weak then lie on your back, perform all the movements with a gesture with your head; if too weak then gesture with your eyelids; if too weak then imagine the movements and recitation in your heart. There's no excuse from solah as long as in possession of your sanity.

  • 4. Recitation of al-Fatihah in each raka'at.
Except that of masbuq (you're left behind by the imam). "Bismillah" is part of Fatihah.
Said Ustaz Zakaria: People of the past were very concerned with correctness of their recitation. Learning al-Quran or part thereof must be done in front (and hearing) of a qualified teacher (tasmi').

Wallahu a'lam

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Rukuns of Solah (10/2/08)

Munyatul Musolli 10 Feb 2008

I missed this lesson (actually I had to skip it!) . But I'll just type in (some part of the texts only) what Syaikh Daud has on his kitab.

There are 13 rukuns (also spelled rukn) or pillars of solah

  • 1. Niat (statement of intention to perform solah)

This is done during takbiratul-ihram. Niat is a statement in the heart, but it is sunnah to mention it verbally (lafaz) prior to takbiratulihram.

Wallahu a'lam

Preconds of Solah (27/1/08)

Munyatul Musolli 27 Jan 2008

Continuing preconditions of solah:

  • 8. Not adding any number of rukun fi'li (movements) to the existing ones.
Example: sujud (prostrate) 3 times would nullify the solah. This could happen if you sujud and your forehead falls on a sharp stone, therefore you raise your head a bit and put it down towards the side. This counts as 2 sujuds.
Said Ustaz Zakaria: Should you need to move, drag your forehead sideways, make sure you don't lift it.

Another category is moving any of the major limbs 3 times intentionally, such as swinging the hands after rising from ruku' (bowing), moving towards the front row in 3 consecutive steps. All would nullify the solah.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • Moving 2 major limbs simultaneously would count as 2 movements.
  • Major limbs include the head, shoulders, hands, legs, the whole body.
  • Minor limbs include the fingers, lip, eyelids, ears.
  • 3 or more movements of minor limbs would NOT nullify the solah.
The last precondition:
  • 9. Do not do anything that would nullify fasting (saum).
Such as eating, drinking, inserting objects into open bodily cavity.

Wallahu a'lam

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Preconds of Solah (20/1/08)

Munyatul Musolli 20 Jan 2008

Said Ustaz Zakaria:

  • When washing clothes, make sure they're clean (according to syara') by sprinkling them last with running water. Washing machines are not good because they contain water less than 2 kolahs.
  • Little amount of najis e.g blood from bodily cut or laceration or from tick; pus; soil from the roadside are permissible in solah. Little = "no bigger than tip of the thumb".
  • Najis located on the roof overhead or praying mat is permissible as long as there's no physical contact.
  • Physical contact with a child not yet circumcised is permissible as long as he/she is not carrying that child.
Continuing with preconditions of solah:
  • 7. No talking except ayat al-Quran or zikr or du'a. Saying a word with 2 arabic letters will nullify the solah regardless wether it has meaning or not.
  • be continued with preconditions 8 and 9.
Wallahu a'lam

Preconds of Solah (6/1/08)

Munyatul Musolli 6 Jan 2008

A hadith as reported by Ubaidah bin Samit (ra) can be understood as follows:

The 5 daily solah has been obligated by Allah upon all His servants. Whoever performs them as commanded, without taking away any of its rights, unto him a promise that Allah will enter him into Heaven. And whoever skips it and takes it lightly, there will be no such promise, if Allah wills He will give mercy, and if Allah wills, he will torture that person.

The 9 preconditions to solah:

  • 1. Within the prescribed time
  • 2. Facing the qiblah
  • 3. Aurah is covered
  • 4. Knowledge of kaifiyah of the solah
  • 5. Clean from hadath both major and minor
  • 6. Clean from najis
  • 7..8..9..…to be continued

Said Ustaz Zakaria: the aurah can be covered with tree bark, animal hide, or gunny sack (not necessarily with cloth). If a cloth is used, make sure it is not transparent such that you can see the skin color. The aurah should not be visible from the above or sides, but is permissible if seen from below (as in the case of sarong - where a person walking underneath the raised wooden planks might look up!).

Wallahu a'lam

Humility in Solah (MM 30/12/07)

Munyatul Musolli 30 Dec 2007

Solah starts by facing towards Allah in all humility, and submit to him, and feel inferior, and khudu’ and khusyu’, and feel excited, and eager to meet Him.

Each position in solah has its meaning:

  1. Standing -> humility
  2. Takbir -> submission
  3. Recitation -> inferior
  4. Ruku’ (bow) -> khudu’
  5. Sujud (prostrate) -> khusyu’
  6. Julus (Sitting between 2 sujuds)-> excited
  7. Tasyahud (final sitting) -> eager/expecting

One should present oneself in full expectance to be showered with mercy and gentleness. And present oneself to be accepted.

During solah:

  • One faces Allah, and Allah faces him
  • One’s heart is opened, and Allah put out his misery
  • The heart is cleansed of every attachment save Allah
The “Arifins” achieve personal satisfaction from solah, but they have different levels of satisfaction based on their rank with Allah.

Said Ustaz Zakaria: The “Arifins” or “Arif billahs” are people who know Allah more than us laymen know Him. They have “tasted” Allah – zauq.

Then the Syaikh mentions the famous hadith about the 5 rivers in which a person wahes himself. The 5 daily solahs washes all sins (except major ones).

Said Ustaz Zakaria: The sin is washed away only if the solah is done in the proper way.

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Connect with God (MM 16/12/07)

Munyatul Musolli 16 Dec 2007

Rasulullah (saw) said something like this:

Nothing better in this world bestowed upon a servant, than 2 raka'ats of solah.
And continues... (I'm not sure if this is continuation of the above hadith, or mere sayings of Syaikh Daud or other ulama, but it's in the kitab..)
So with the solah a servant is able to seclude himself from worldly elements to the presence of Allah. And such will be lifted the veil between him and his God, so it will be evident to him the truths and secrets, and will be illuminated unto him the light. And this the time to do do'a to his God, and his heart becomes clear, and this is the time of connection between a servant and his God.
Said Ustaz Zakaria: one of the joy of solah is the chance to face Allah. So in solah we better be correct in exterior (zahir) and interior (batin).

Muhammad bin Ali Tirmizi said solah is the pillar of Islam.

Wallahu a'lam

Elements of Solah (MM 9/12/07)

Munyatul Musolli 9 Dec 2007

Interesting analogy from the Syaikh about solah to human body:

  • The preconditions (sah or batal) to solah is like the soul to a human body
  • The rukuns to solah is like the head
  • The sunnah ab'ad is like the the limbs
  • The sunnah hai-ahs are like the hair
A body won't look nice if you don't hair in certain places (where you should have). So you don't want to miss any of the above in solah.

While perform the physical movements to establish the solah, we shouldn't neglect the "unseen" aspects of it:
  • Khusyu's
  • Presence of heart
  • Ikhlas (sincerity)
  • Tazallul (humble)
  • Know the meaning of what being recited

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, March 3, 2008

Quiet week

It's been quiet past week. I was too tired to attend Jauharatut Tauhid (Ust Hafiz) last Tuesday night.

I brought the wrong kitab for Ust Ahmad Jim's Thursday night. I brought Kifayatul Muhtadin, when it was Sofwa tut Tafasir being read (An-Nisa' ayat 10(?)).

Ust Zakaria had to attend funeral in Pahang. His son replaced him, but read different kitabs altogether.

Wallahu a'lam

Sheikh Daud's Biography (excerpt from Ustaz Wan Mohd Shaghir's)

His full name is al-Alim Allamah al-Arif ar-Rabbani Syeikh Wan Daud bin Syeikh Wan Abdullah bin Syeikh Wan Idris al-Fatani.
His mother was Wan Fathimah binti Wan Salamah bin Tok Banda Wan Su bin Tok Kaya Rakna Diraja bin Andi (Faqih) Ali Datok Maharajalela bin Mustafa Datu Jambu (Sultan Abdul Hamid Syah) bin Sultan Muzaffar Waliullah bin Sultan Abu Abdullah Umdatuddin.

Commonly known as Tok Syeikh Daud Patani, he had 5 siblings: Syeikh Wan Abdul Qadir, Syeikh Wan Abdul Rasyid, Syeikh Wan Idris and a younger sister by name Siti Khadijah binti Abdullah al-Fathani.

Born in Kampung Parit Marhum, Kerisek, Patani (Now part of Southern Thailand) in 1133H (1769 AD). Yet some said in 1153H while others said 1183H.

He obtained traditional Islamic education from his father, uncle, and grandfather (themselves famous ulama). He started memorizing Al-Quran, hadith, and various matan at early age. He later went to study in Makkah for about 30 years and Madinah for 5 years.

He came back to assist Patani fighting the intermittent wars against Siamese aggression. Later, he went back to Makkah.

In Hijaz, he wrote many books both in Arabic and Malay.

He wrote regarding a hadith in Bughyatuth Thullab:
So we gather for this hadith that there's nothing to be admired regarding quest for knowledge except done for the sake of seeking Allah's favor, and for the want of getting oneself out of darkness of ignorance (towards the light of knowledge).

Sheikh Daud al-Fathani died and buried in Taif, next to Saidina Abdullah bin Abbas (cousin of Rasulullah s.a.w.), probably in 1847 M. There is a story that his grave had later been exhumed by a relative, and transferred to a private residence in Makkah. This done to safeguard him from desecration by a certain group of people invading Taif.

Wallahu a'lam

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why Islam In Us?

A seed of Islam is within the inside of us regardless of what our faith is. Before we were born, Allah had called upon our souls, and made us pledge loyalty to Him. And we voluntarily did (al-Quran, surah al-A'raf: 172).

Later how we were brought up would shape our adult lives. Our parents, society, schools, natural surrounding, TV, internet, all contributed to how we think.

Let's educate ourselves - water that seed of Islam, make it grow and bear fruit. Harvest it and enjoy it. Enjoy Islam? Yes, why not!

This blog records the Islamic lessons I've been attending for the past years. May Allah give me benefit from those lessons and from this blog. Amin.

Wallahu a'lam