Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Advise from Ustaz Zakaria 25/5/08

Some words from Ustaz Zakaria that I couldn’t fit in the last post:

Make it clear to yourself that you attend Islamic lessons to improve yourself first, and improve other people around you last.

We should respect knowledge so that we get the barakah (blessing). Only then the knowledge can answer on our behalf in afterlife. Example of respect is by storing a book on a respectable place.

Ustaz Zakaria’s syaikhs include Hj Mustafa, Hj Abdul Aziz, Hj Abdul Qadir (murid of Tok Selehor)

Those who journey towards Allah will be tested by Him.

Isa (as) was created from his mother only. There’s nothing impossible about that considering God created Adam (as) sans mother and father, and Eve without a mother.

Syaikh Daud Fatani (rh) is a famous Malay faqih. Yet his books on fiqh (rulings) always has a glimpse of tasawwuf (cleansing of heart).

Solah in front of Allah is akin to working in front of a mean superior. Imagine He would admonish or even fire if you slip up. You have this fear when your status is at ‘Maqam Ihsan’.

To stay focused during solah, you have to train your heart outside of it. There’s no switch you can turn on/off. It takes time and work, just like training a monkey to climb a tree and pluck coconuts for you. You train your heart with remembrance of Allah, self assessment, and abstention from excessive pleasure.

Ahmad Laksamana described ‘Martabat 7’ (the 7 Stations) wrong, that was why his book ‘Hakikat Insan’ was banned and the ulama urged him to repent. Martabat 7 is fine if it is taught by a qualified ulama.

'Ilm Kaf40 recited during sunrise - good for self protection and to become physically strong. 'Ilm Syahud. There's nothing wrong with this practice.

Ustaz Zakaria will be in Kemboja this week to distribute waqaf (charity) money to build a mosque in Kampung Papahat. There will be no lesson next Sunday.

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, May 26, 2008

Joy of Solah (MM 25/5/08)

Munyatul Musolli 25 May 2008

The first person ever to pray ‘Maghrib’ was Nabi Isa (as) when he was lifted out from the midst of people (who were trying to kill him). This happened at sunset.

  1. The 1st rak’ah to deny there is another God beside Allah.
  2. The 2nd rak’ah as a denial on the accusation people made to his mother (Maryam).
  3. The 3rd to assert divinity to Allah alone.

The first and second rak’ahs are related to one another, while the third stands by itself.

The first person to pray ‘Isya was Nabi Musa (as). He lost his way while traveling from Madyan. Add to that the distress of his wife, Harun's (as) his brother, Fir’aun's his enemy, and the distress of his children. Came time of ‘Isya’, and God lifted away those troubles from him. Musa (as) prayed four rak’ahs grateful being deprived of those four grief.

And it should be noted that some other hukamas differed in opinion:

  • Subuh was performed first by Nabi Adam.
  • Zuhur performed first by Nabi Daud.
  • ‘Asr first by Nabi Sulaiman.
  • Maghrib first by Nabi Ya’qub.
  • ‘Isya first by Nabi Yunus.

Joy of Solah

Imagine a king prepares a feast with different kinds of dishes and beverages of different taste and flavor. Then he called out his servants to enjoy the food and drinks. On the same note, Allah prepared solah which is the main dish, and different kinds of zikr, tasbih, and do’a as the drinks and desserts, so that his servants can taste and indulge themselves and be grateful.

A person who is an acquaintance of Allah (‘arifin) would be overwhelmed in such joy with solah, and would feel such serenity in his heart. This is a reward known as ‘Instant Heaven’ (Jannatul ‘Aajilah). Allah has said in the Quran:

…And two types of heaven for those who fear the station of his God.

The first heaven is the serenity, and the second heaven is one in the Hereafter.

Perfection of Solah

Some of the hukamas add further that a solah is made up of 12,000 articles. These articles are then crammed into 12 points; 6 of which before the actual execution of the solah, and another 6 follows during solah. A muslim who desires the true solah should know and refine these points.The first point is Knowledge ('ilm). Said the Messenger of Allah (saw):

A simple deed executed with knowledge is more valuable than abundant deed, but lacking in knowledge.

The second point is Ablution (wudu') because said the Messenger of Allah (saw):

There is no solah without wudu’.

Wallahu a'lam

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Origin of Zuhur & 'Asr (MM 18/5/08)

Munyatul Musolli 18 May 2008

The first person ever to pray ‘Zuhur’ was Nabi Ibrahim (as). It was past midday that Allah commanded him to sacrifice his son, then asked him to slaughter a replacement instead. Nabi Ibrahim (as) performed solah 4 rak’ahs:

  1. st rak’ah to show gratitude for the substitute.
  2. The 2nd rak’ah as a gratitude to God for lifting away his son’s misfortune.
  3. The 3rd to plead for Allah’s mercy.
  4. The 4th to show gratitude for being given a substitute of such a big animal.

As said in the Quran:

And we substituted him with a large (sheep).

This sheep was descended special from Heaven. It had been offered by Habil (Abel, son of Nabi Adam alaihissalam) as a sacrifice to God.

The first person ever to pray ‘Asr’ was Nabi Yunus (as) right after he was cast out from the belly of a large fish. This happened during afternoon, and he prayed 4 rak’ahs:

  1. The 1st rak’ah being grateful to be freed from darkness of having committed a sin.
  2. The 2nd being grateful to be freed from darkness of the (sea) water.
  3. The 3rd being grateful to be freed from darkness of the night.
  4. The 4th being grateful to be released from darkness of being inside of the fish.

Ustaz Zakaria added:

  • Those who labor for Allah’s cause will be tested by Him. If they persevere, Allah will give them great reward. The prophets of Allah all have been tested the hardest.
  • Satans are very afraid of those who work for Allah, so they prod people who are weaker in faith to sabotage these workers.
  • ‘Tasbih Nabi Yunus’ is a wirid to be recited during emergency situations. For a greater effect, recite it 41x during final sujud of ‘solah hajat’.
Wallahu a'lam

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Proof God is Uncreated (RT 18/5/08)

Risalah Tauhid 18 May 2008

2nd Dalil - Proof that God is Eternal

Truly God is eternal (uncreated). Rejecting this concept would have implied God is ‘new’ and ‘created’ by some other force.

If God had been created by another ‘force’, then who created that force? And we already know God creates everything else. Now we are in catch-22, which does not make sense. This situation is called ‘Durr’, and it is impossible (mustahil).

In another perspective, if God had been created by a more superior ‘force’ (name it Force #1), then it is just possible that there is Force #2 who created Force #1, and Force #3 who created Force #2. The chain goes on, which makes argument pointless. This situation is called ‘Tasalsul’, and is also rejected.

Dalil Naqli to establish that God is uncreated is the ayat from al-Quran:

He is (the God) who is the First with no beginning, and the Last with no ending.

Ustaz Zakaria added:

  • Pure talk does not make Islam any stronger. We become strong by educating ourselves.
  • Hj. Daud Bukit Abal (rh) also had a deep knowledge in ‘ilm Tauhid even though more famous for specialty in Tasawwuf.
  • Reflecting about God constitutes remembrance of Allah in a subtle way (zikr khaufi).

Wallahu a'lam

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hadith #79-85, Abdullah Ibn Umar 17/5/08

Hadith lesson by Sheikh Mohd Nuruddin Marbu Al-Banjari Al-Makki at Masjid USJ9 Subang Jaya on 17/5/08

Compilation of Hadith as Narrated by 10 of the Sahabahs.
Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

Hadith: Talk Well About the Deceased.
Hadith #79 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

عن إبن عمر رضي الله عنهما : أنَّ رسول الله (ص) قال : اذكروا محاسن موتاكم وكفُّوا عن مساويهم

(رواه أبو داود والترمذي)

From Ibn Umar (ra):

Truly Rasulullah (saw) said: Talk well about the deceased among you, and refrain from mentioning their flaws.

(as narrated by Imams Abu Daud and at-Tirmidzi rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

  • Refrain from backbiting others. If there is harm to the deceased, it is even worse if directed to those who are alive!
  • There is another hadith:” It is sinful (fasiq) to say bad things to other Muslim. It is unbelief (kufr) to show enmity towards another Muslim”.
  • Principle of justice: We have to respect others just like we want them to respect us.
  • Saidina Umar al-Khattab r.a. once was criticized by an old woman just after he finished delivering a sermon. She complained: “…You have no rights to set such a dowry on women…”and cited a contradicting hadith of the Prophet (saw). Umar admitted his error: “Really Umar has been confused, and the woman is right”.


Hadith: Help the Needy.
Hadith #80 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

From Ibn Umar (ra), he said:

Rasulullah (saw) has said: He who would like his supplication to be answered, and his affliction to be lifted away, should help others in need.

(as narrated by Imams Ahmad and Abdu bin Humaid rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

Help can be offered in various ways including:

  • Money and material.
  • Supplication (do’a) and rememberance towards Allah (zikr).
  • Good advise.
  • Physical strength.


Hadith: Revere Your Leaders.
Hadith #81 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

From Ibn Umar (ra), he said:

Rasulullah (saw) has said: When a leader is present among you, show reverence on him.

(as narrated by Imam Ibn Majah rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

Physically a leader looks no different than common folk. We set them out by showing some reverence.


Hadith: Refrain From Being Alone.
Hadith #82 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

From Ibn Umar (ra):

Rasulullah (saw) has forbidden a man from being in a place alone or traveling alone.

(as narrated by Imam Ahmad rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

  • Prohibition of living alone in an unsuitably large residence.
  • Prohibition of traveling alone: In another hadith, Rasllullah (saw) has said that traveling singly is ‘satan’, in group of two is ‘satan’, and in group of three is (good) congregation.
  • There is no problem with traveling singly in a large transport that accommodate many people (e.g plane, bus).


Hadith: Do not Tell Lies.
Hadith #83 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

From Ibn Umar (ra):

Truly Rasulullah (saw) has said: When a servant of Allah tells a lie, angels will keep a mile away from him due to the stench (of the lies).

(as narrated by Imam at-Tirmidzi rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

  • The angels stay away due to the evil of lies.
  • In many cases, film actors and performers tell lies. Their acting (even in entertainment shows) affect people. Some marriage break up due to the negative effect.


Hadith: Arrogance and Swagger.
Hadith #84 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

From Ibn Umar (ra):

From Rasulullah (saw) who has said: Whoever shows arrogance and swagger, he shall meet Allah (in afterlife) while Allah is furious at him.

(as narrated by Imam al-Bukhari and Ahmad rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

Sitting in a luxury car makes you feel special compared to sitting in a compact car. It is not forbidden, but could affect the way you look upon others.


Hadith: Bidding Farewell.
Hadith #85 Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

عن إبن عمرـ رضي الله عنهما ـ أنه شيَّع مجاهدا ورجلا معه خارجين إلى الغزو, فلما أراد فراقهما قال: إنه ليس معي ما أعطيتكما, ولكنني سمعت رسول الله (ص) يقول: إذا استودع الله شيأً حفظه, وإني أستودع الله دينكما وأمانتكما وخواتيم عملكما.

و في رواية: أنه أراد أن يودع رجلا فقال: تعال, أُودعك كما كان رسول الله (ص) يودعنا: أستودع الله دينك وأمانتك وواتيم عملك.

(رواه الترمذي والنساءي وأحمد)

From Ibn Umar (ra), once he sent a volunteer and another man off to battle. Upon parting company, he said to them: “There is nothing I can give to you except I have heard Rasulullah (saw) said ” :

Whenever a person entrusts something.to custody of Allah, surely He will take care of it. Indeed I put my trust to Allah to safeguard your religion, your duty, and whatever result that come out of your mission.

And in a different narration, Ibn Umar (ra) was sending off a man so he said: “Come here, I bid farewell to you just like Rasulullah (saw) did to us with his words” :

I entrust to Allah your religion, duty, and results.

(as narrated by Imams at-Tirmidzi, an-Nasa’i and Ahmad rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:

We can use this farewell in sending off people in journey. This translates to “May God safeguard you”.

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hadith #78 Abdullah Ibn Umar 17/5/08

Hadith lesson by Sheikh Mohd Nuruddin Marbu Al-Banjari Al-Makki at Masjid USJ9 Subang Jaya on 17/5/08

Compilation of Hadith as Narrated by 10 of the Sahabahs.
Narration of Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)

عن ابن عمرـ رضي الله عنهما ـ قال: قال رسول الله (ص): ما زال جبريل يَوصيني بالجار, حتَّى ظننت أنه سيُورِّسه
(رواه البخاري ومسلم واحمد
From Abdullah ibn Umar (ra):

Rasulullah (saw) said:So often did Jibril advise me to be well-mannered with a neighbor, that I start to think, me and him (my neighbor) can inherit (each other’s property).

(as narrated by Imam al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad rh).

Explained Sh. Nuruddin:
  • Neighbors are those 40 houses in front of ours, 40 houses behind, 40 to the right, and 40 to the left.
  • Likewise, our limbs and body parts are neighbors to each other, so safeguard each of them from evils committed by the other.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reward and Timing of Solah (MM 11/5/08)

Munyatul Musolli 11 May 2008

Continuing with hadith from Jabir and Mu'az (radiallahuanhuma):

...When Rasulullah (saw) reached the 4th sky, the angels we sitting for tasyahhud
throughout, and when he reached the 5th sky, the angels were reciting tasbih and doing zikir on Allah. On reaching the 6th sky, Rasulullah (saw) saw the angels reciting takbir and on the 7th sky the angels were saying the greetings "Ya Salam". Rasulullah (saw) became elated, and craved such a reward for himself and his followers (ummah). Thus reward of all the angels in the seven skies are rolled up into 2 rak'ahs of solah in honor of Rasulullah (saw) and his followers.

Therefore any Muslim who stands up for solah and perfects all its elements will be granted
this great reward.

Time to perform solah

Hukamas (wise people) have said that each of the solah has been timed according to actions
of the previous messengers of Allah.
The first person to ever pray Subuh was Nabi Adam (as) after he was expelled from Heaven.
Terrified by the darkness, he quickly performed solah once dawn broke. The first rak'ah
was to show gratitude for passing of the darkness, and the second was gratitude to see

Said Ustaz Zakaria:

  • A hukama is a wise person chosen by Allah. He does not need to bring forward dalil, yet his words should be followed by us the common people.
  • There are 2 types of dawn (fajar) every morning. The false one (kazib) comes first, then the true one (sadiq). A rooster crows once, then goes back to sleep, then crows again to announce time for Subuh.
  • Something to ponder: could it be that a rooster crowing is a kind of 'tahajjud prayer' to Allah? A hen does not crow, but she rears chicks, which is another kind of tasbih?
  • Haji Mat Bangkok bin Tok Kenali (rh) kept a rooster to remind him to do zikir to Allah. Ustaz Zakaria visited him 1 week before his passing away in the 60s. Some ulama said he was a wali of Allah.

Wallahu a'lam

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Proof that God exists ( RT 11/5/08)

Risalah Tauhid 11 May 2008

The world is formed of jirim and 'arod. From there we can establish that the world is created and it is new. Therefore, God exists because the world is new. Everything new has a creator.
'Jirim' refers to a physical being that occupies space, while ' 'arod' is a being that is liable to change. A jirim is like an atom, that can stick together to form a much bigger entity. Entities change form due to growth, climate, external force etc.

Thus for Dalil 'Aqli, we have established that God exists due to 3 evidence:

  1. That the world is new
  2. That jirim is new
  3. That 'arod is new
As for Dalil Naqli, there are many ayats in al-Quran that argue for existence of Allah.
An example is what we understand from Surah az-Dzariaat ayat 23:

By God who created the heavens and earth, it is the truth (that He exists), just
like (the truth that) you can speak.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • A tree is both jirim and 'arod, because it is a composition of atoms and grows with age.
  • It is the ruh (soul) not the jasad (body) that absorbs the Islamic lessons.
  • Knowledge is a provision we take for the long journey. After death, knowledge is the one safeguarding from the trials in our grave.

Wallahu a'lam

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A new milestone (personal one)

Is that the right word? We finished (khatam) a tasawwuf kitab last week. "Mengenal Diri & Wali Allah" was written by Ustaz Mustafa Muhammad al-Jiasi in 1971. The manuscript of this kitab was read to the author and his peers (Ustaz Zakaria included) by a wali of Allah Syaikh Haji Daud bin Umar Bukit Abal rahimullahalaih. Ustaz Zakaria started reading me this kitab on (I think) July 24th 2006. It was by some 'strange' coincidence that I started attending lesson with him. Then some guys simply and strangely showed up and now we end up close friends. There'd been some trials and difficulties to keep coming to the lessons in the beginning, but o' friends read this in the Qur'an:

Those who persevere in Us, surely We will show them Our Way...

The kitab is small and might look like a beginner's stuff on tasawwuf, but it opened my 'closed' mind towards Islam insyaAllah.

So Ustaz Zakaria closed the old kitab, and this week opened a new kitab: "Tajul 'Arus" by the great Syaikh Tajuddin Ibn Athoillah as-Sakandari. The version we use is a Malay translation by Syaikh Usman Pontianak of Kalimantan, Indonesia.

I would love to blog lessons from these books as well, but not so sure if I am ..liter..ate.. enough. InsyaAllah, if He wills...it will happen.

Wallahu a'lam

Reward on Perfect Solah (MM 4/5/08)

Muniatul Musolli 4 May 2008

Said some of the scholars:

It has reached us that the reward of solah to a servant, is equivalent to those conferred upon 40 prayer-rows of angels. In each row there are 70,000 angels performing solah.
From this 40 , 10 rows contain angels who stand still throughout their solah and they never bow (ruku'). Another 10 rows of angels bow throughout their solah but they never prostrate (sujud). Another 10 rows of them prostrate throughout and they never raise their head. The remaining 10 rows of angels sit throughout and they never stand up.

Be aware of the high status of solah! Everytime a faithful muslim prays 2 raka'ats, Allah rewards him the equivalent of 2.8 million angels praying.

In a hadith relayed to us by Jabir and Mu'az radiallahu'anhuma:

When Rasulullah (saw) was elevated to the heavens during the event of Mi'raj, he saw angels in the 1st layer of the sky. They were standing still chanting remembrance of Allah, and they never bowed.
When Rasulullah (saw) he traveled further to the 2nd sky, there were angels bowing and never raising their head.
At the 3rd sky, there were angels prostrating and never raising their head. When Rasulullah (saw) gave salam, they raised just enough to return his salam, then returned to their sujud (This is the basis for doing 2 sujuds in a solah)...

Today Ustaz Zakaria officially launched the madrasah fund:

  1. To build a new structure for office and dining hall
  2. To build a new complex for the elderly ladies
  3. And to open a new branch of Madrasah Diniah Ahmadiah in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan. A land parcel (3 acres) for the site has been donated by a generous businessman as willed by his late father.
Wallahu a'lam

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God Exists (RT 4/5/08)

Risalah Tauhid 4 May 2008

1st Dalil - Proof that God exists

That the world is new or the world is created is a dalil that God exists. It is impossible the world came into being by itself. Once the world was none, then some divine force (God) caused it to take shape as we see it now.

Ustaz Zakaria added:

  • The world is 'new'. We say so because it changes all the time (change of landscape, climate, people etc).
  • Human beings have senses, yet we don't ponder about the world and its being.
  • Tariqah wirids can help us achieve 'dzauq'. It is a 'taste' or 'experience' through which we perceive the hidden meaning of this world and other God's creations.
Wallahu a'lam

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