This poem has been lying around for a while, and today the bulb lights up suddenly. So here’s the translation (+ some editing here and there to make words rhyme).
Tariqah Sufiyyah
Tariqah is but a road
For a servant to seek God
Where to seek, you reckon?
A good “mursyid” is the beacon
Tariqah sufiyyah is full of thorns,
But soon you’ll whiff a barrel full of cologne
Reaching for the goal, oh so difficult
One slip, you cut your own throat
Tariqah and Tasawwuf food for the soul
Legacy from the Prophet, whom we all follow
“Bid’ah”, outdated you say?
InsyaAllah they're here to stay!
The way of the Salaf on basis of Syari’ah
Start your journey on the path of Haqiqah
Traversing the land treading the Tariqah
Sailing the ark in ocean of Ma’rifah
A true tariqah guides to sincerity
So seek knowledge, perform deeds attentively
Remember all these before your last breath
You’ll find it handy in the days after death!
The original poem composed by somebody else(I don’t know who). It was distributed on the day honoring Syaikh Wan Mohd Shaghir Wan Abdullah (rh) on 17th May 2008.
Wallahu a'lam
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
To Be a Sufi, You Need a Poem :)
Reason I’tidal, Prostrate, Sitting, Tasyahhud, Salam (MM 27/7/08)
Munyatul Musolli 27th July 2008
Raising yourself to the upright position saying:
سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ
Keeping in mind that Allah has forgiven those who say His name and obey Him.
Once firmly upright, say :
رَبَّنَا لَكَ الْحَمْدُ
Reminding yourself that that all praise due to Him who has made it easy for you to stand before Him.
Then you stoop down for sujud. This action is a sign of surrender and acknowledge your inferioriority to Allah, who is all-superior and all-forgiving.
Sitting between sujuds
You raise from the first sujud and say:
رَبَّ اغْفِرْلِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَارْزُقْنِي وَاجْبُرْنِي وَعَافِنِي وَاعْفُ عنِّي
O Allah pardon all my wrongdoings, be merciful to this servant who is full of error. Bestow upon me your bounty, patch up my weakness. Guide me, make me healthy, and forgive me.
During tasyahhud, you recite:
أَلتَّحِيَّاتُ الْمُبَارَكَاتُ الصَّلَوَاتُ الطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلَّهِ
Make it clear to yourself as if you’re saying this:
All glory to Allah, who presides over his dominion. He who owns the rights to be worshipped 5 times in a day. There’s no one else to be worshipped but Him.
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
You attest this:
Peace conveyed to you O Rasulullah, just like how you conveyed the commands and guidance of Allah to your people. May Allah’s mercy and pleasure be blessed and guaranteed upon you and your family.
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَى عِبَادِ اللَّهِ الصَّالِحِينَ
You imagine this:
May Allah’s forgiveness conferred upon us and those before us (the prophets, the truthful ones, and those who follow their path until the day of resurrection).
أَشَّهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ
Make it firm in your heart:
We enslave to no one (in heavens or earth) but Allah, the only God there is.
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
Affirm that:
Indeed Muhammad (saw) is the seal of all prophets (be it Nabi or Rasul), and he is the chosen one over all creations.
Next you present the salawat to Nabi Muhammad (saw), and pray that Allah give good tidings to you and to all faithful people.
Give Salam
You give salam once to the right, and another to the left. Make a resolve that you shall spare your fellow muslims from your evil intentions and and treachery.
Said Ustaz Zakaria:
- Raising from ruku’, the imam (leader) says “Sami’Allahu-liman-hamidah” followed by “Rabbana-lakal-hamd”. The ma’mum (follower) should the same. If you blindly follow what people in certain part of the world do – only saying “Rabbana-lakal-hamd” alone, you’re liable for 3 errors:
1. Error for not saying “Sami’Allah…”. Even if it doesn’t nullify your solah, it spoils it.
2. Error for misplacing “Rabbana…”. It shouldn’t be said until you’re completely in the standing position.
3. Error for saying “Rabbana…” out loud. Only “Sami’Allah…” should be said loudly. - This book states the 6 wau’s (“Rabbighfirli…”) to be recited during sitting between sujuds. However, we follow the more famous opinion of reciting 7 wau’s (“Rabbighfirli…warfa’ni…”).
- Perform ablution (wudu’) before solah. There’re 6 obligatory elements of wudu’. As said by Tok Kenali, 4 of them “wet” (W) and 2 “dry” (D):
1. State the niat (D)
2. Wash the face (W)
3. Wash both hands from the fingertips down to the elbow (W)
4. Wipe some water to the head (W)
5. Wash both feet from toe to the ankle (W)
6. Follow the above sequence (1&2 together) until 5 (tertib) (D) - When calling out the azan, it is better to say “Alla-hu-akbar” instead of “Alla-ha-akbar”. “hu” is the stronger opinion (qaul rajih) of ulama, while “ha” is the weaker (qaul marjuh). Why follow the weak opinion when there’s a stronger one?
- The more you send salawat to Rasulullah, the better for yourself.
- Completing a first-class solah should prevent you from betraying fellow muslims.
- With the first salam, you can get more reward if you accompany it with the intention to terminate the solah. Never state this intention before the first salam! – that would nullify the solah.
- A big turnout at Surau Taman Anggerik the night before. But alas! Not to listen to Ustaz Zakaria’s lesson, but to listen to Anwar Ibrahim's (political) speech!
Wallahu a'lam
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Green is good
I thought this blog looked bit dull...So here's a picture of.. something...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Reason Behind Elements in Solah (MM 20/7/08)
Munyatul Musolli 20th July 2008
It is appropriate that a person who performs solah aware there is reason behind every activity. Hopefully this would make him grateful, that Allah has made things easy for him.
Truly in a solah there are various virtues in terms of bodily activities and remembrance to Allah.
When standing up and say “Allahu Akbar”, state the intention (niat) in the heart. Know that Allah is indeed great and exalted, and you are standing in service for him. As a matter of fact, at this time Allah is also facing you saying: “My servant is standing before me, proclaiming that I am the Greatest”.
Raising both hands level to the ears, you are making commitment to enslave yourself to nothing else besides Allah.
Do’a Iftitah
You continue with the do’a iftitah, and with every verse, you become aware with the message:
سُبْحَانَكَ اللّٰهُمَّ- Dignified You are Allah, free from error or imperfection,
وَتَبَارَكَ اسْمُكَ - Blessed is any doing that commence by saying Your name,
وَتَعَالَى جَدُّكَ - So Exalted and Great You are,
لاَإِلَهَ غَيْرُكَ - Only You the Creator and the One Giving Sustenance. Nothing else worshipped but You, nothing precedes and nothing succeeds You.
Note: The above is a shorter version of do'a iftitah.
Recite al-Fatihah
Then you continue with reciting al-Fatihah, keeping in mind the message:
أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الْشَّيْطَانِ الْرَّجِيمِ
I ask Your protection from calamity caused by the accursed satan.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الْرَّحْمَانِ الْرَّحِيمِ
In everything I do, I ask for help with Your gentleness, love, and mercy.
[Recite al-Fatihah until the end.]
All praise to Allah who did not make me one of those He is angry with (the Jews), nor one of those who have gone astray (the Christians). Instead He made me from those on the path of the prophets, martyrs, and the honest.
Bowing down (ruku’) is as if sending a salute to Allah by placing yourself low in front of Him. You present yourself while being sinful and full of offense, and with hope that He forgives you. Doing this, you recite:
سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِيمِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
I present myself humbly to God the Great and Generous.
Next you raise yourself to the upright position saying:
سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ
Allah has forgiven those who say His name and obey Him.
Ustaz Zakaria said:
- In obtaining Islamic lesson, make sure you get it from authorized syaikhs, who carry a valid sanad (authority to transmit particular knowledge).
- An old man from Besut – Tok Ayah Pomen – obtained many ijazahs (authorization) to practice various hizibs. From syaikhs in Makkah alone, he obtained 21 ijazahs.
- Tariqah is a good thing for Muslims. Do not reject it simply because some people have tainted it with extremities.
- Satans who make journey to the sky and spy for divine news will be chased away with fiery objects (meteors). Some of them get hit and fall to earth. Incapacitated, they now take pleasure in doing mischief to people. These are what we call “ghosts” or “evil spirits”.
- It is preferred that at the end of al-Fatihah, we join together “صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِم “ with “غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِم” without waqaf (stopping).
- On reciting a surah after al-Fatihah, you get more reward if you recite a surah in full. So better to read a short surah completely compared to a long surah partially.
- Method in fiqh: Any ‘amal (religious practice) must be done in accordance with authentic position (qaul sahih). Only if you encounter difficulties, you are permitted to follow the weaker position. Even then, this position is for your own use only, do not force other people to follow it.
- Today Ustaz Zakaria gave ijazah to practice Hizib Bahr (Hizbul-Bahri) of Imam Abu Hassan As-Syazili (rh). He also mentioned the wirids to fight off satan.
- Interesting story about a pious man named “Pak Long Bismillah” from Besut, who gained Allah’s favor from simply reciting “Bismillah” 786 times a day, and consistently travel to different masjids to clean ablution water-tanks. Also called "Pak Long Kolah".
- It is sunnah to say “Bismillah” before performing any respectable work. Cleaning up dirt, even though virtuous in its intention, is not considered “respectable”.
Wallahu a’lam.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
More on Power, Will, Knowledge, Alive (RT 13/7/08)
Risalah Tauhid 13th July 2008
Continuing with Dalils for Sifats #7 (Power), #8 (Will) #9 (Knowledge) #10 (Alive)
We wrote last week:
If God lacked any one of the above attributes, then we (creations) wouldn’t be here. But the fact is we are here, so God must be powerful, does things as He likes, has knowledge to create and manage things, and is alive.
Continuing today:
If God had no will, then there would be no power because power is an outcome of will. If God was not powerful, then there would be no creations.
It does not make sense to wish over something without having knowledge. If you “want to create” something, then you must have a knowledge on “how to create” it. If God had no knowledge, then He would not have will, in turn made Him powerless.
And to top it all, God must be alive, since without life, He would not have knowledge, will, or power. Without all those attributes, there would be no world and no creations.
The scriptural proofs:
That God has power (qudrah) is the ayah:
نَحنُ قَدَّرنَا بَينَكُمُ الْمَوتَ
(الواقعة 60)
I alone decide who dies (and who lives) among you.
The dalil that says God has will (iradah) is the Quranic ayah:
إِنَّمَا أَمرُهُ إِذَا أَرَادَ شَيأً أَن يَقُولَ لَهُ كُن فَيَقُونَ
Indeed the works of Allah, whenever He wishes for something, all He has to do is
say “Be!” so it will be.
And the dalil that God has knowledge (‘ilm) is the ayah:
عَالِمِ الْغَيبِ وَالشَّهَا دَةِ
(الزمر اية 46)
Allah knows all the unseen and the seen.
وَتَوَكَّل عَلَى الْحَيَّ الَّذِي لاَ يَمُوتُ
And surrender your destiny to God who is alive and never dies.
Ustaz Zakaria said:
- We learn Tauhid (Usuluddin) to get to know God. But we learn tasawwuf and practice tariqah to know Him further, until we can “taste” and “experience” His being.
- Ingredients to get to know God: (1) True knowledge (2) Sane mind.
- You “wish” for something only after you “know” it.
- When somebody dies, it is a predestination of Allah, not due to coincidence.
Wallahu a'lam
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Perfect Solah – Prostrate, Sit (MM 13/7/08)
Munyatul Musolli 13th July 2008
Perfection of Solah – Prostrating, Sitting (MM 13/7/08)
Elaborating on points for perfection of solah:
11th point – Prostrating
When prostrating (sujud), ensure that:
- Both hands are on the floor and level with the shoulders.
- For men only, break away the arms from the upper body. Leave some space in between. Place the palm of the hand on the floor downwards.
- Do toma’ninah and recite the tasbih in awe and glory of Allah.
12th point – Sitting
While sitting (between sujuds or for tasyahhud), make sure:
- You sit on the left foot. For non-final tasyahhud, the right foot is planted upright. For final tasyahhud, slip the left foot under the right.
- Say the tasyahhud in full awe and glory of Allah. Send salutation (salawat) to Nabi Muhammad (saw), his family and his companions in full.
- Make du’a to well-being of yourself and all the faithful muslims.
(End of 12 points of perfection for solah).
Giving Salam
When giving salam (to conclude solah), observe the following three:
- You say the salam in full.
- You accompany it with the right intention (to conclude the solah).
- You send the salam first to the “crowd” on your right, and second to the crowd on your left while turning your cheek in either direction. The “crowd” here refers to angels, faithful jinns, and fellow faithful humans who congregate together with you.
We have to be sincere (ikhlas) in doing solah, and we prove that in three ways:
- Pray solely for Allah’s pleasure instead of to satisfy other people’s demand.
- Witness that everything made easy to us is by the grace of Allah (taufiq). Some muslims know that solah is obligatory, yet they have difficulty to perform it.
- Safeguard our sincerity until we don’t see ourselves performing the solah, but see only the solah itself.
It should be appropriate that the person about to perform solah is aware of his intention. Further he should be thankful that Allah made this activity easy for him.
Truly in a solah there are various virtues in inside bodily movements and remembrance to Allah.
Ustaz Zakaria said:
- If you see people perform solah wrongly, point it out to him in a civilized manner lest he becomes angry with you – Adab (manners) brings barakah (blessings).
- The proper method to stoop for sujud: Knee first on the floor, then both hands, then your head. For people of Maliki mazhab and some of the Sufis (including Hj Daud Bukit Abal): Hands, then knee, then head. Never place your head first! (joke).
- When saying the salam, make sure you begin with “As…” as in “Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullah”. Leaving out “As” would nullify the solah.
- Sayyidina Ali (rh) once mentioned the high status of a syaikh over his students. Once a syaikh teaches one word to his student, already he (the syaikh) owns the rights to sell off this student as a slave.
- Without sincerity, the best of deed could stray away and become a liability.
- A wealthy companion – ‘Abdul Rahman bin ‘Auf (rh) – once missed a solah in congregation. He was so upset that he gave away all his profit (from business that delayed him from joining the congregation) in charity. Still the Prophet (saw) said the charity given could not make up the reward lost for his delay.
- Don’t boast with yourself once done solah, it is all a taufiq from Allah.
- Some (if not all) movement, zikr, and du’a are more accepted inside solah than the same recited outside of solah.
Wallahu a’lam.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Regret and Repent (TA 29/6/08)
Tajul ‘Arus 29th June 2008
There is no benefit in facing Allah unless you face him while debasing and criticizing your self (nafs). And there is no point in criticizing your self while you still laugh and cheer after committing a sin.
Try very hard to show your misery and disgrace for every sin committed. Make it look like somebody who has lost his most beloved child. Know that for displaying such a misery, Allah will substitute for you with merriment and joy. And for displaying such disgrace, a subsitute of honor and nobility. And for every gloom, a substitute of light (nur). For every curtain you drape over your sin, Allah will pull away one curtain from curtains of the later world (Aakhirah) or curtains of the present world (Dunya).
There is a story from Syaikh Mukinuddin al-Asmari (rh), one of the 7 wali abdaals:
In the beginning, I made a living being tailor. Everyday I took note of the
words I said from daybreak to night. From what little I gathered, I discerned if
there was anything decent. If there was, then I praised Allah and thanked Him.
If there was any word not worthy of saying, then I repented to Allah and asked forgiveness from Him.
That was the syaikh's business every single day. God's pleasure with him.
Ustaz Zakaria added:
- We do taubah even during wudhu'. Once the heart is cleansed, then we go perform solah.
- Some farmers have improvised ways to make herbicide kill away weed. Mixture of Gramoxone + Ajinomoto (MSG) penetrate to the roots. Same thing with rememberance (zikr) to Allah that can soften our heart, all the way to the tiniest vein.
- Ulama of old wary of not attending religious lesson 40 days in a row. This would harden the heart. Even the knowledgable ones ought to go and teach, so that he wouldn't lose the 'ilm.
- Syaikh 'Abdul Wahab Sha'rani: Loud zikir while moving the body like done by the sufis are permissible.
- If you feel miserable by sin you committed, Allah will replace your misery with 'warid' (sort of enlightenment). Frequent presence of warid makes your heart softer.
- A Wali Abdal is a higher ranked wali (friend of Allah). In tasawwuf classification, his self is at least at 'nafs mutmainnah'.
- Haji Lah (Lubuk Tapah?) informed Ustaz Zakaria that Imam Syafi'i was one of walid autads. This statement also printed in the kitab of Haji Abdul Rahman Tasauf. Nabi Khidir (as) said so.
- Haji Daud Bukit Abal gave permission to Ustaz Zakaria in early 70's to conduct majlis zikir majzub. Tariqah Ahmadiyyah Idrisiyyah; First conducted at Pondok Amir, Besut, Terengganu on Wednesday night. Haji Hussin (the mudir of the pondok) usually went out to teach at night.
- Ustaz Zakaria first taught in Cheras Selangor in 1990. First lesson at his rented house in Sg Sekamat, Batu 12. Then collected donation and purchased 1/4 acres to make site for a madrasah. Later more donation poured in, and able to purchase additional 1/2 acres. The total 3/4 acres had to be sold back (at higher value) due to unsuitable location. The proceed was then used to pay for the current location in Batu 10.
- Think first before you speak. Spoken words could be harmful.
Wallahu a'lam
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What Did You Do Today? (TA 8/6/08)
Tajul ‘Arus 8th June 2008
One of the best way to do repentance is by self-contemplating your daily activities. Make a mental list of things you have done for one day, then discern each activity one by one. If you have committed any act of obedience or virtues, then feel thankful to Allah.
If you find an act of defiance or sin, then debase yourself. Ask forgiveness from Allah and repent. Really if a sinner repents wholeheartedly, and he adheres to the conditions for repenting, Allah will forgive him and will clear the sin from his record.
Wallahu a'lam
On Repentance (TA 11/5/08)
Tajul ‘Arus 11th May 2008
O servants of Allah, make repentance (taubah) every moment of the day. Allah has said speficically to you in the Qur’an:
وَ تُوبُو إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا أَيُّهَا المُؤْمِنُون لَعَلَّكُم تُفلِحُون
Repent all together to Allah O believers so that (later) you will succeed.
And He also said:
إِنَّ اْللَّهَ يُحِبُّ اْلتَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ اْلمُتَطَهِّرِينَ
Verily Allah loves those who repent a lot and those who clean themselves.
Rasulullah (saw) has said:
إني ليغان على قلبي وإني لأستغفر الله في اليوم سبعين مرة
Really my heart has been sealed (with nur - light), and know that I plea
forgiveness to Allah 70 times in a day.
Rasulullah's (saw) heart has been sealed with nur, and he is free from sin. Still he repented seventy times a day. Compare that to our heart, which is plagued and rusted with vice and sin. Is it not compulsory that we hasten to repent and ask forgiveness from Allah?
Ustaz Zakaria added:
- Repentance is the key to success.
- The most accepted time for wirid and repentance is right after solah.
- We better be clean outside (zahir) and inside (batin) so that we become close to Allah. The filth outside can be washed with water, but the impurities inside we clean with knowledge, self-denial (mujahadah) and rememberance of Allah (muraqobah).
- Major sins are naturally more difficult to repent.
- If you sin against other person, your repentance to Allah should be accompanied with obtaining forgiveness from that person.
- Paksu Lah (rh) - who used to lead zikir in Pondok Amir under guidance of Ustaz Zakaria - he never slept much. Why, he had to recite 'Istighfar Kabir' 70 times a day, as directed by Tok Haji Awang Kolam/Padang.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tajul ‘Arus Introduction ( TA 4/5/08)
Tajul ‘Arus - Introduction 4th May 2008
Syaikh Usman al-Funtiani wrote humbly at the front page of this kitab:
This is the book (kitab) Tajul ‘Arus which means ‘A Crown for The Groom’ that I,
Syaikh ‘Usman al-Funtiani bin Haji Shihabuddin al-Banjari have translated.
Destitute and weak I am, I hope that the dear readers who spot my errors could
please correct me since the original copy did not carry commentary nor footnote.
This is a book written originally by Syaikh Tajuddin Ibn ‘Atoillah
as-Sakandari. I have replaced the Arabic words with their Malay equivalent. I
have duly verified the texts with my teacher Syaikh ‘Abdul Qadir bin ‘Abdul
Rahman al-Fatoni. Should there be errors or weakness be it known those are from
my deficiencies. Truly I lack in knowledge, but know that servants of Allah are
no stranger to mistakes and poor memory.
Syaikh Usman wrote further as a preface to this book:
In the name of Allah the merciful that I begin translating this book. All praise to Allah the Master of the worlds. May Allah pour mercy and peace to our Prophet Nabi Muhammad and to all his family and companions.
This is a kitab known as Tajul ‘Arus that covers the method to cleanse the self (nafs). Written by the Syaikh and Imam, who is a junction of two branches of knowledge: jurisprudence and truth (syari’ah and haqiqah). He is Tajuddin Abu al-‘Abbas Ahmad bin ‘Atoillah from the land of Sekandar (Iskandariah), may Allah grant him His mercy and place him within His Paradise. And may Allah pour His blessings to us and all muslims,and may Allah pour His mercy and peace upon our leader Nabi Muhammad and hiscompanions. Amin.
Said Ustaz Zakaria:
- Syaikh Usman was a mufti in Pontianak, Kalimantan during his time. He had studied in Makkah and Kelantan.
- Syaikh ‘Atoillah as Sakandari was of Maliki Mazhab, of Syaziliah tariqah. He studied under Syaikh Abu ‘Abbas al-Mursi, who studied under Imam Hassan As-Syazili himself.
- Allah is the administrator of the worlds.
- Don’t become like a person walking in a pitch-black night. He carries a flashlight, he can see other people walking by. But he never sees himself.
- We learn tasawwuf so that we can take care of ourselves, not to (unnecessarily) busy ourselves with other people’s business.
- ‘Ilm Haqiqah is something we can never learn, we receive it direct from God (zauqi).
Wallahu a'lam
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Perfect Solah – Takbir,Stand,Recite,Bow (MM 6/7/08)
Munyatul Musolli 6th July 2008
Elaborating on points for perfection of solah:
7th point – Takbir
Execution of Takbir should be perfected in 3 steps:
- Declare the takbir "Allahu-Akbar" in a definitive and firm voice.
- Raise both hands level with the ears. The palms should be open facing forward.
- Make your heart in full presence and awe of God.
8th point – Standing Up
An able bodied person should stand up while doing solah:
- Focus your sight at the spot you put your forehead on during prostration.
- Be mindful that Allah is looking. Don’t make unnecessary movement.
- Do not look right or left.
9th point – Recitation
When reciting (Quran, takbir etc.) in solah:
- Recite correctly and properly. Make it as flawless as possible.
- Engage yourself in the meaning and message of the words recited.
- Outside of solah, put into practice whatever you recited.
10th point – Bowing
When bowing down (ruku’):
- Level your back and neck. Do not raise or lower your head.
- Support yourself with both hands at your knees. Spread your fingers on the kneecap.
- Pause a while (toma’ninah). Recite the tasbih in awe and devotion of Allah.
Said Ustaz Zakaria:
- For takbir, say "Allahu-Akbar", not "Allahu-Akbara" or "Allahu-Akbaru" or "Allahu-Akbari".
- State the intention (niat) between "Al…
…bar" of the takbir. - Lower the hands and clasp the right over the left wrist. Choose between two:
i. Lower hands halfway down, then place right over left a little bit to the left of your navel. (As advised by most of Fiqh jurists).
ii. Lower forearms all the way down, then bring them back up and place right over left exactly on the navel. (As done by Imam al-Ghazali and other Sufis). - Feel the presence of Allah during solah. At least make aware that He sees your actions. This is called "muraqobah".
- Recite correctly and properly since flaw in some could nullify your solah (e.g. reciting surah al-Fatihah is obligatory). Those before our time, they checked their recitation with qualified syaikhs).
- Toma’ninah is often overlooked by people. In solah there are 4 points you are obligated to do it (ruku’, itidal, the 2 sujuds, sitting between sujuds). Here you should cease ALL movements at least long enough to say "Subhanallah".
- In Friday congregational solah, the person giving sermon (khatib) should remember to do toma’ninah between the two speeches. He is obligated to sit still, refrain from making unnecessary movement (Verify this in kitab ‘Kifayatul-Muhtadi’ by Sheikh Ismail Daud Fatoni. These days, ignorant khatibs sit between speeches and flip sermon texts. This nullifies the Friday solah upon everybody in the masjid. Tips for us common folks – do not look at khatibs lest they fail to observe toma’ninah. If you see somebody breaking rules, then you cannot continue following him!
Wallahu a’lam.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Proof God's Power,Will,Knowledge,Life (RT 6/7/08)
Risalah Tauhid 6 July 2008
Dalils for Sifats #7 (Power), #8 (Will) #9 (Knowledge) #10 (Alive)
If God lacked any one of the above attributes, then we (creations) wouldn’t be here. But the fact is we are here, so God must be powerful, does things as He likes, has the knowledge to create and manage things, and is alive.
Said Ustaz Zakaria:
- We can apply the concept of God’s power to creations (possible things) only. He is powerful to create anything that could ever be created.
- We cannot apply concept of God’s power to ‘must be’ things. Example: It is not right to say "God is powerful, so it must be able to create another ‘God’ or to recreate Himself". This statement is false since God ‘must be’ uncreated.
- We cannot apply the concept to impossible things either. Example: We cannot say "God can do anything, even make Himself cease to exist". This is false, God ccould never be inexistent.
- God's knowledge has no limit. He knows every single thing.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Schedule for July 2008
Lessons by Ustaz Zakaria Awang, Madrasah ad-Diniah al-Ahmadiah, Batu 10 Cheras
Schedule for July 2008
Every Wednesday (After Solah MAGHRIB)
Zikir Majzub Tariqah Ahmadiah
Every Saturday ( 9.00 - 11.00 am) except 18/7 (after solah ASR)
Kitab Lesson
- Wishahul Afrah
- Baquro Amani
Kitab Lesson
- Risalah Tauhid
- Munyatul Musolli
- Tajul ‘Arus
- All sessions are free and open to public (men, women, children).
- Lessons conducted in Malay.
- Wear dress that cover your aurah.
- Among the adabs of learning - pay attention and be silent.
- Bring your own kitabs (books) and preferably take notes.
- Sometimes kitabs are available in the surau (less than RM5 usually). Or you can get them from bookstores: Ask at Bajrai (next to Masjid India) or Pustaka Mu'min (Jln Tunku Abd Rahman).
- On Sunday morning, there is another session by various ustazs after Ustaz Zakaria's
Wallahu a'lam
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Proof There is Only One God (RT 29/6/08)
Risalah Tauhid 29 June 2008
6th Dalil – Proof Oneness of God (Wahdaniah)
If God was not singular, then the world would not come into existence. If there were more than one God, each must have been weaker and would complement the powers of the other. How could they create and maintain this world if they have weakness?
A further proof is the word from al-Qur’an:
وَلَو كَانَ فِيهِمَا آلِهَةٌ إِلاَّاللَّه لَفَسَدَتَا
(ألاءنبياء اية 22)
If there was God in the heavens and earth other than Allah, surely they (heavens(al-Anbia’ -22).
and earth) would be obliterated.
We can further break down this issue into 4 rebuttals:
- If really more than one God worked together to create this world, how would they handle the tiniest of nucleus, which is undividable? It is like forcing 2 or more pens marking a small dot on a piece of paper.
- If one God made an object in half, then another God picked up where the first one left off, who would be responsible for the total object?
- If one God made it nighttime, and the other decided it should be daytime, things would go helter skelter.
- If many Gods collaborated to create something, at least one should give way to the more competent God. The one giving way was undeniably weak. But since all of them were Gods, they share that “weak” attribute. It is simply impossible that God is weak.
Said Ustaz Zakaria:
- Men’s purpose in life is to be faithful to God.
- Plant’s and animal’s purpose in life is to benefit mankind.
- God made intelligence for us as a mean to be faithful to Him. Intelligence is not a mean by which we make a living. Contemplate this: a chicken has no intelligence, yet its stomach is full every morning; man with intelligence has no guarantee he has something to eat that day.
- A person whose heart is alive always see Allah in his daily activities. All we need is knowledge on dalil.
- Hadith: “A person who has understanding in his religion is a person who Allah has blessed with virtue.”
Wallahu a'lam