Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Upcoming Hadith Lessons

Hadith Musalsal

As announced in http://al-fanshuri.blogspot.com/, Ustaz Fahmi Zamzam will give ijazah on hadith musalsal. I'm excited to go... I've heard about this kind of hadith, but never heard it narrated directly. Even Ibn Battuta mentioned about it in the Rihlah.

25 October 2008 (Saturday). After sholat Maghrib
Pusat Pengajian Ba'alawi No.9, Jalan UP2A, Prima Ukay, Kemensah (behind Zoo Negara)
Kitab: al-Awaail al-Zamzamiyah al-Maalikiyah wa ba'd al-Musalsalaat al-Masyhurah
Shaikh: Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi Zamzam al-Banjari al-Nadwi al-Maaliki.
And another hadith lesson:
25, 26 October (Sat, Sunday). Morning.
Shaikh Nuruddin Marbu al-Banjari al-Makki at Masjid al-Falah Subang Jaya.

Wallahu a'lam


  1. Alhamdulillah, your blog is very helpful and would you visit http://islamme-zen.blogspot.com
    Reveal the secret of Fasting of prophet David A.S
