Monday, June 22, 2009

Lessons Update at Pondok Batu 10

On 24th May 2009 we started reading Hikam Tok Pulau Manis under Ustaz Zakaria Awang. Keeping up the tabs with lessons at Madrasah Diniah Ahmadiah Batu 10 Cheras, here is the list of texts read so far (start counting since mid-2006):

Mengenal Diri dan Wali Allah (khatam) by Mustafa Muhammad al-Jiasi
Munyatul Musolli (khatam) by Shaykh Wan Daud al-Fathoni
Muafiq dan Masbuq(khatam) by Hassan Ahmad
Risalah Tauhid by ‘Abdul Ghani Yahya and ‘Umar Yusuf
Sembahyang Musafir Jama’ dan Qasar by Jinal Sakiban al-Johori
Tajul ‘Arus by Ibn ‘Athoillah – translated by Uthman al-Funtiani
Wishahul Afrah wa Isbahul Falah by Muhammad bin Ismail Daud al-Fathoni
Sharah dan Terjemah Hikam Ibn ‘Athoillah by Tok Pulau Manis

All are welcome to attend, and we pray that Allah make us benefit from the shaykhs, amin.

Here are some comments made by Ustaz Zakaria on Hikam, Ibn 'Athoillah (also spelled Ata'illah), and Tok Pulau Manis:

There are many commentaries on the original Hikam, each explained as per the author's understanding. Some that available in the Malaysian market:
- by Salim Bahreisy, Singapore.
- by Kiyai Muhibbudin al-Wali, Indonesia
- by Sa'id Hawa, originally in Arabic
- by Soleh Karimi, Sungai Merab
- and one by Tok Pulau Manis, a wali who has attained Allah in terms of 'ilmi and dzauqi.

The older generation liked to tell tales about their shaykhs, and they were proud of them. If the connection between shaykh/student is broken, then the barakah is broken, hence no benefit in the knowledge. This holds true to silsilah in tariqah as well. In certain gathering such as the Haul, people read manaqib - stories about past 'ulama - and Allah's mercy descends upon the participants.

'Ilm Haqiqah is not something you could acquire by going to schools or madrasah, it is a gift from Allah. Ibn 'Athoillah (rh) mastered both: Ilm Haqiqah and Shari'ah. We should start set our intention (qasad) to get a share of barakah from this great shaykh. In his earlier life though, he had misgivings about the sufis. Abu 'Abbas al-Mursi (rh) was the shaykh that made Ibn 'Athoillah's interest in tasawwuf to blossom.

Unfortunately, we have had no real master in Shazili tariqah here in Malaysia, and that is the reason the following is small compared to other tariqas.

The techniques used in tariqah zikir sessions are all proven and inherited from the past masters. Some physical movements are made to pull 'warid'. The murshid (shaykh) of tariqah - such as Haji Daud Bukit Abal (rh) - acts as a source of warid. Nabi (saw) himself had been a source of warid to his companions.

Wallahu a'lam

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