Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tok Pulau Manis (1650-1736)

(Translated from “Syarah Kitab Hikam Ibn ‘Athoillah Tok Pulau Manis, proofread and commented by Haji Engku ‘Ali bin Engku Endut”)

His real name is Shaykh ‘Abdul Malik bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul Qahhar bin Sharif Muhammad al-Baghdadi. He is also known as Tok Sheh Pulau Manis, Tokku Pulau Manis, Tuan Pulau Manis, and Sharif ‘Abdul Malik.

Among the earliest family of da’wah to setle in Terengganu, his father lived in Kampung Pauh, Hulu Terengganu. His great-grandfather Sharif Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah had been of noble lineage from Baghdad, Iraq. He later moved to Makkah, then Acheh in North Sumatra, then to the Malay Peninsula, where he settled near Batu Belah, Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu.

Tok Pulau Manis was born in Kampung Pauh in 1650 AD (1060 AH). After an early education by his own father, he set out to Acheh and studied under the great Shaykh ‘Abdul Rauf Singkel. After a brief stint in Java, he continued his pursuit of knowledge in Makkah al-Mukarramah, the center for knowledge and worship. Arriving in 1681, he spent 10-12 years at the feet of various ulama including Shaykh Ibrahim bin Hassan bin Shihabuddin ash-Shafi’I al-Kurdi al-Kurani (successor of Shaykh Ahmad al-Qushashi).

His peers in Makkah include Haji Muhammad Soleh bin ‘Umar Semarani, Dato’ Syed Abdullah, Faqih ‘Abdul Qadir Palembang, Faqih ‘Abdul Rahman Fatoni, Faqih ‘Abdul Samad Kedah, Haji Ibrahim, and Haji Muhammad Siantan.

Deeply interested in tasawwuf, he studied the works of imams Ibn ‘Athoillah, al-Ghazali, Ibnul ‘Arabi, Abu Tholib al-Makki, al-Qushairi, Abu Nasr as-Siraj at-Thusi, Ibn ‘Abbad, Ahmad Zarruq and others. He chose the path of Shaziliyyah as his tariqah. He busied himself in the study of usuluddin in the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah, in Shafi’I fiqh, tafsir, hadith, history, and various disciplines of Arabic language.

Apparently a cream of the crops among his peers, Tok Pulau Manis was requested to translate the famous Ibn ‘Athoillah’s Hikam to Malay. The fame of his Hikam translation reached the Malay Peninsula even before his return to native land in 1690. He started teaching Hikam in his own village, later in Kampung Batu Hampar, then moved downstream to his new residence in Kampung Pulau Manis.

Renowned as a wali of Allah, many students from all over the Peninsula came to study under him in Pulau Manis. The students built small huts for residence, hence the pondok (hut) system. After his passing, his pondok system was administered by his descendants, and saw relocation and expansion to Beladau, Sungai Rengas, Kampung Midin, and Kampung Aur Cina.

Tok Pulau Manis was famous among the masses as well as the nobles. Besides the public, Sultan Zainal ‘Abidin I and many of the palace chieftains also counted as his students. He was the official Shaykhul ‘Ulama and Mufti.

He left behind 3 religious works besides the sharah of Hikam:

  1. Kitab Kifayah on usuluddin and fiqh.
  2. Risalah Naqal on the number of congregants valid to make a Friday solah.
  3. Risalah Kaifiyyah an-Niyyah on fiqh and tasawwuf.

An islamic school has been named in his honor. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Shayk ‘Abdul Malik is located in the capital city Kuala Terengganu.

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lessons Update at Pondok Batu 10

On 24th May 2009 we started reading Hikam Tok Pulau Manis under Ustaz Zakaria Awang. Keeping up the tabs with lessons at Madrasah Diniah Ahmadiah Batu 10 Cheras, here is the list of texts read so far (start counting since mid-2006):

Mengenal Diri dan Wali Allah (khatam) by Mustafa Muhammad al-Jiasi
Munyatul Musolli (khatam) by Shaykh Wan Daud al-Fathoni
Muafiq dan Masbuq(khatam) by Hassan Ahmad
Risalah Tauhid by ‘Abdul Ghani Yahya and ‘Umar Yusuf
Sembahyang Musafir Jama’ dan Qasar by Jinal Sakiban al-Johori
Tajul ‘Arus by Ibn ‘Athoillah – translated by Uthman al-Funtiani
Wishahul Afrah wa Isbahul Falah by Muhammad bin Ismail Daud al-Fathoni
Sharah dan Terjemah Hikam Ibn ‘Athoillah by Tok Pulau Manis

All are welcome to attend, and we pray that Allah make us benefit from the shaykhs, amin.

Here are some comments made by Ustaz Zakaria on Hikam, Ibn 'Athoillah (also spelled Ata'illah), and Tok Pulau Manis:

There are many commentaries on the original Hikam, each explained as per the author's understanding. Some that available in the Malaysian market:
- by Salim Bahreisy, Singapore.
- by Kiyai Muhibbudin al-Wali, Indonesia
- by Sa'id Hawa, originally in Arabic
- by Soleh Karimi, Sungai Merab
- and one by Tok Pulau Manis, a wali who has attained Allah in terms of 'ilmi and dzauqi.

The older generation liked to tell tales about their shaykhs, and they were proud of them. If the connection between shaykh/student is broken, then the barakah is broken, hence no benefit in the knowledge. This holds true to silsilah in tariqah as well. In certain gathering such as the Haul, people read manaqib - stories about past 'ulama - and Allah's mercy descends upon the participants.

'Ilm Haqiqah is not something you could acquire by going to schools or madrasah, it is a gift from Allah. Ibn 'Athoillah (rh) mastered both: Ilm Haqiqah and Shari'ah. We should start set our intention (qasad) to get a share of barakah from this great shaykh. In his earlier life though, he had misgivings about the sufis. Abu 'Abbas al-Mursi (rh) was the shaykh that made Ibn 'Athoillah's interest in tasawwuf to blossom.

Unfortunately, we have had no real master in Shazili tariqah here in Malaysia, and that is the reason the following is small compared to other tariqas.

The techniques used in tariqah zikir sessions are all proven and inherited from the past masters. Some physical movements are made to pull 'warid'. The murshid (shaykh) of tariqah - such as Haji Daud Bukit Abal (rh) - acts as a source of warid. Nabi (saw) himself had been a source of warid to his companions.

Wallahu a'lam

Friday, June 19, 2009

Al-Uluhiyyah (RT 11/1/09)

Risalah Tauhid 11th January 2009

Al-Uluhiyyah refers to qualities of God, where He is self-sufficient and all creatures depend on Him. The expression “La ilaha illallah” also refers this quality.

In respect to al-Uluhiyyah, the twenty sifaat divide into two categories:

إِسْتِغْنَاءُ عَنْ كُلِّ مَا سِوَاهُ

1. He is in no need of others (istighnaa’); and

إِفْتِقَارٌ إِلَيْهِ كُلِّ مَا سِوَاهُ

2. Everything else is in need of Him (iftiqar-ilaih).

11 sifaat are of 1st category (istighnaa’), namely Wujud, Qidam, Baqa, Mukhalafatuhu lil Hawadith, Qiyamuhu Binafsih, Sama’, Basor, Kalam, Kaunuhu Saami’an, Kaunuh Baasiron, and Kaunuhu Mutakalliman. They define self-sufficiency of God.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • When saying “La ilaha illallah” continuously, make sure you pronounce it right: “La ilaha illallahu La ilaha illallahu …”
  • Sufis look for “madad” when reciting “La ilaha illallah”.
  • Some lame excuses people give when we invite them to learn the 20 sifaat (Tauhid):
    They would say: This subject not high-level enough. We should tell them: Go climb a durian tree!
    They would say: This subject not hot enough. We should tell them: Turn off the fan!
    They would say: This subject not fiery enough. We should tell them: Then go fight with the brothers in Gaza!
  • 11 + 9 = 20 sifaat of Allah. (20 in Malay slang: sekodi)

Wallahu a'lam

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ta’luq of Kalam; Conclusions (RT 4/1/09)

Risalah Tauhid 4th January 2009

God's Kalam (speech) has ta'luq over all must, impossible, and possible subjects.
Considering the words of God are eternal and everlasting, we apply the 3 subjects as follows:

God's speech that of "must" (wajib) nature:
أَنَا اللهُ لاَ إِلٰهَ إِلاَّ أَنَا

God's speech that of "impossible" (mustahil) nature, reiterating what the Christians falsely claim:
إِنَّ اللهَ ثَالِثُ ثَلاَثَةُ

God's speech that of "possible" (jaiz) nature:
وَاللهُ خَلَقَكُم وَمَا تَعمَلُونَ

Conclusion on Sifats and Their Ta'luq

Ta'luq is pertinence in regard of entity. If we place God as an entity, and every creation as another entity then we can classify ta'luq into 2:

  1. Sifats that have ta'luq on both God and creations: Knowledge ('ilm) and Speech (kalam).
  2. Sifats that have ta'luq on creations only: Power (qudrah) and Will (iradah).
From another angle we classify ta'luq of all the 20 sifats into 4:

  1. Sifats that never has ta'luq whatsoever: all sifats nafsiyyah, salbiyyah, ma'nawiyyah, and sifat Hayah. These sifats are sufficient within themselves.
  2. Sifats that has ta'luq on the possible: Power (qudrah) and Will (iradah).
  3. Sifats having ta'luq over everything that ever exists: Hearing (sama') and Vision (basor).
  4. Sifats having ta'luq over the wajib, mustahil and ja'iz subjects: Knowledge ('ilm) and Speech (kalam).
Said Ustaz Zakaria:

  • I've personally heard a so-called "modern ustaz" saying this: "God has the will and power to create a second god". This is absurd and outside of our aqidah. Will and Power do not have pertinence over God's own self.
  • The most important function of your intelligence ('aql) is to ponder the sifats of God.

Wallahu a'lam

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pop Quiz! Anybody sleeping?

I know lessons are boring. Just to see if anybody is awake, here is a pop quiz:

3 brothers performing solah in jama'ah. Being recent reverts to Islam, they know only basic rules of solah. In the middle of solah a mouse ran by in front of the imam.

Imam: That was one big mouse!
Ma'mum #1 : Hey no talking in solah!
Ma'mum #2 : Good thing I didn't talk!

Note: Ma'mum #1 is correct in that talking disallowed during solah, but there are concessions...

Question: Whose solah just became invalid (batal)? Explain.
Be a sport will you? Voice out what you know by leaving comments below. And state your mazhab please.

I will provide answer according to Shafi'i fiqh next week insha Allah.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ta’luq of Sama’ and Basor (RT 30/11/08)

Risalah Tauhid 30th Nov 2008

Both Sama’ (Hearing) and Basor (Vision) are applicable only to existent subjects. Those that could exist/ take place but never did, would not be within ta’luq of Sama’ nor Basor since ta’luq of ‘ilm (knowledge) had already precluded them.

Example: God’s Sama’ and Basor never applies to supposition of Abu Lahab becoming a person of faith (mu’min). God indeed could have turned Abu Lahab’s heart to Islam, but His ‘ilm already precluded this possibility.

The two sifats has no ta’luq over ‘impossible’ subjects either because the impossible are not real. Ta’luq for Sama’ and Basor is defined in three phases:
  • God hears and sees in eternity on any possible subject even before it is created.
  • God hears and sees in eternity of Himself and his own sifats.
  • God hears and sees possible subject after it came into existence.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • God’s being in itself is a ‘must’. Its existence is undeniable.
  • God already hears an infant crying before it is even born.
  • Tanjizi Qadim – phase of ta’luq applicable to the ‘must’.
  • If you learn tasawwuf, have sincere intention that you doing it to cleanse your heart or to correct your faith. NEVER learn tasawwuf as means to ‘telescope’ wrongdoings of those around you.
  • The correct aim in life is to be faithful to Allah and to ponder about Him. Nowadays we live to feed our stomach and to get rich. That is why life has become difficult.
  • Modern education (even in higher Islamic institutions) do not teach us about God and how to know Him. This kind of education gives no benefit.
  • At home, take a second look at things in the kitab you just learned. Sometimes God does not dispense immediate guidance (hidayah) while sitting in front of your shaykh.
  • The mu’tazilah – by definition – are those who break away from teaching halaqahs. They formulate own opinion, they do not follow established position of ulama.

Wallahu a'lam

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ta’luq of ‘Ilm (RT 23/11/08)

Risalah Tauhid 23rd Nov 2008

As opposed to qudrah and iradah - that has ta’luq on possible subjects only - God’s knowledge (‘ilm) transcends all must, possible, and impossible subjects. God’s ‘ilm should not be described in 3 phases like we did with ta’luq of iradah, because His knowledge comes in full.

God is aware of every particular subject such as its looks and its characteristics. God already knows how a subject will take shape – even before that subject is even created.

  • God is aware of the ‘must be’. He knows His own self and sifats.
  • God is aware of the ‘impossible’. He knows about something that He would never put into existence.
  • God is aware of the ‘possible’ even if a subject is yet to be created. He is aware of every single thing in existence, and He is aware of the subjects that have ceased to exist.

Know that ta’luq of qudrah follows ta’luq of iradah, which in turn follows ta’luq of ‘ilm.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
How do we apply the sequence of ta’luq (ta’luq of qudrah comes after that of iradah, after that of ‘ilm)?

Answer: God empowers Himself to create a subject after He wills it. This will comes after He has knowledge about that subject.

Wallahu a'lam

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Qudrah and Tabarruk

Ustaz Zakaria shared some more stories during last Risalah Tauhid lesson:

Yesterday I was in Kelantan to visit an acquaintance building a masjid. All has been completed except the floor. Trying to see if I could raise more fund to finish it. A person there showed me 3 small stones, all bearing natural marking representing the Arabic character “Lam-Alif”. Such stones don’t have power, but they may bring tabarruk to the owner:

  • They (the enemy) shall NOT see you.
  • They shall NOT argue against you.
  • They shall NOT scheme against you.

This brings a story how after shaving his noble head, Nabi (saw) gave a strand of his hair to each sahabah as tabarruk. Once Khalid al-Walid (ra) remembered a shirt he had dropped in a battlefield contained Nabi’s hair.

He returned to battlefield and fought back just to get that very shirt and the hair in its pocket. This story related in a kitab by Kiyai Sirajuddin bin Abbas (rh), an Indonesian ‘alim who studied under Shaykh Wan Ahmad Fatani (rh).

Regarding effort and do’a:

A few years Cikgu ‘Abdul Rahman, Committee Member (CM) #1, CM #2, and myself started voluntary project to construct a masjid in Kampung Bahagia, Kemboja. Finding it difficult to raise RM200k, eventually CM#1 dropped out, and CM#2 later did the same. Cikgu ‘Abdul Rahman said no way he would back out, him being married to a local woman.

Nothing short of miracle, a generous man lather phoned up and pledged RM50k, and he promised to give more bit by bit. We eventually completed the masjid, and we currently on our 5th project!

Wallahu a'lam

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Ta’luq of Iradah(RT 28/9 - 2/11/08)

Risalah Tauhid 28th Sept – 2nd Nov 2008

Like qudrah, God’s will (iradah) also holds pertinence only on ‘possible’ subjects.

Say God is about to create Zayd into being. His will with Zayd’s destiny happens in 3 phases:
  1. God determines how long Zayd will live, how he will sustain himself and his family etc.
  2. God affirms the destiny he has in store for Zayd.
  3. God fulfills Zayd’s destiny on the day Zayd is created.
There is a general misconcept that once God has made up his iradah on us, then our life will be beyond our control. We thus become fatalists and refuse to improve our destiny.

Know that in ta’luq matters - for qudrah and iradah - God has written our destiny in Loh Mahfuz, yet there is chance that He will later change them. All these based on our own effort, supplication, and tawakkal. Never sit back and passively accept bad luck. Practice faith correctly, you can still work to increase your wealth, health, and good behavior – as long as you are content with God’s will should things turn out badly.

Remember that ta’luq for both qudrah and iradah are valid only on ‘possible’ subjects. It never transgress the boundaries of haqiqi (ultimate).
(In other lessons, Ustaz Zakaria had said: Qudrah is not applicable to those that negate God’s supreme characteristics. It is impossible that God has the power to create a second God – this would contradict the principle of oneness - wahdaniah.)

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • Iradah is the cause to turn a concept into being. While Qudrah empowers it. Iradah is takhsis and qudrah is ta’sir. When we say “the pot is boiling” we actually mean “the content of the pot is boiling”.
  • There is qada and qadr, but Allah Himself asks us to make effort to change our qadr from bad to good. There are 2 types of qada and qadr written on the Loh Mahfuz:
    Mu’alat – destiny that still is subject to change
    Mubram – destiny that is unchangeable.
  • Before you open your store in the morning, don’t forget to recite surah al-Waqi’ah. However, it is Allah’s iradah that you make a good sale or not. Surah al-Waqi’ah does not control your destiny.
  • Mistakes of muslims today:
    - They think religious lessons are exclusively for those interested.
    - They pursue fard kifayah too much while neglecting the all-important fard ‘ain.

Wallahu a'lam
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Ta’luq of Qudrah (RT 6/9/08)

Risalah Tauhid 6th September 2008

Qudrah holds ta’luq on everything mumkin (possible), while never holds ta’luq on subjects of haqiqi (ultimate).

Consider a mumkin – Zayd - about to come into existence. Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (rh) broke down this ta’luq into 2 phases:

1. God’s power to determine Zayd’s existence.
2. God’s power to realize Zayd.

Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari was of opinion there has to be a 3rd phase:

3. God’s power to prolong Zayd’s existence or non-existence.

From here we can convince ourselves that a man is always governed by the power of God before he is created, during his lifetime, in his grave, and even in the heaven or the hellfire. With this in mind, it is hoped everyone be induced to correct his or her ways so that one acts according to one’s faith. That is iman.

Said Ustaz Zakaria:
  • Men live in eternity after being raised from the grave. This eternity is of type ‘arodi (temporary) while God’s eternity is of type haqiqi (ultimate).
  • You have to be Islamic in both faith and practice.

Wallahu a'lam

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sifats Ma’nawiyyah, Ta'luq (RT 31/8/08)

Risalah Tauhid 31st August 2008

Sifats Ma’nawiyyah
Ma’nawiyyah as a word derives from ‘ma’ani’. It shows the state of God respective to Sifats Ma’ani. Example: God has power (qudrah) therefore the state of Allah at all times is all-powerful (Arabic: kaunuhu qadiran).

  • Qudrah -> Kaunuhu Qadiran
  • Iradah -> Kaunuhu Muridan
  • ‘Ilm -> Kaunuhu ‘Aaliman
  • Hayah -> Kaunuhu Hayyan
  • Sama’ -> Kaunuhu Sami’an
  • Basor -> Kaunuhu Basiran
  • Kalam -> Kaunuhu Mutakalliman
As opposed to Sifats Ma’ani, Sifats Ma’nawiyyah are perceptible only to our intelligence.

Sifats and Ta’luq

All of sifats ma’ani except ‘hayah’ not only stand on their own, but has ta’luq over other subjects. In other words, those sifats have ‘degrees of pertinence’.

For example, God stands on His own with qudrah (power). But with qudrah also God exerts control over everything else. With it God has the power to make everything else into existence.

Inherent with this concept, God’s will (iradah) has ta’luq over every creation. If He wills that a certain subject to be, then it should come into being. In contrast if He wills that the subject not to be, then it would be impossible to be.

Wallahu a'lam

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Donate To the Madrasah

Help little Mustaqim and his friends with their Islamic studies, and you will be rewarded as per Allah’s promises in the Qur’an and hadith.

Your donations will be used to pay for :
  • Food
  • Textbooks
  • General maintenance of the madrasah
  • Building other madrasah / masjid / other projects for the cause of Allah

Donations are LHDN income-tax deductible. Upon your request , we can produce MOF-approved receipt to help you with income-tax filings. Donate to Madrasah Diniah Ahmadiah either as zakat or sadaqah. Or as a payment for your kifarat or fidyah.

-> You can leave some $$$ into the madrasah safe box.

-> You can also email pondokbatu10 (at), or contact the principal Ustaz Zakaria Awang at 013-6331347.

-> You can inquire by leaving comment on this blog (click comments below and leave your name/email/phone number).

Wallahu a'lam

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Salawaat in Rabi'ul Awwal

The month of Rabi’ul Awwal came by and has passed us. But let us keep the presence of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam fresh in every quantum of light that our eyes receive. And keep his spiritual essence alive in every breath we take.

Don't you find it strange that some people (loudly claiming they are "purer" Muslims) look for excuses to not celebrate the prophet (saw) and critize fellow muslims who do celebrate? Get real! All Muslims should to celebrate Prophet Muhammad (saw), as had been done by the salaf and khalaf generations before us.

Part of Burdah of Imam Muhammad bin Said al-Busiri
As long as you do not follow the way of the Christians
- who overly praise Jesus alaihissalam and turn him into god)-
Praise him (Muhammad) the way you please(verse 43)

Salawat Khusus of Tariqah Ahmadiah
O Allah, send salutation, peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and his family in every glance and breath, the count of which only known to Allah, whose Knowledge has no limit.

Part of Salawat ‘Azimiah of Sidi Ahmad bin Idris (rh)
I plea to Allah - by the Light of Allah the Magnificent, the Light that fills up the Pillars of the ‘Arash of Allah the Magnificent, with which the worlds come into being – that He send great salutation upon our master Muhammad. And great salutation upon the family of Nabi, a salutation fitting to the greatness of Allah......(until the end)

Salawat of Imam as-Shafi’i (rh) as found in Dala’il al-Khairat and elsewhere
O Allah, send salutation and peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, every time those who remember (az-zakirun) make remembrance (zakara) of You.
O Allah, send salutation and peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, every time those who neglect (al-ghafilun) fail to make remembrance of you.

Part of the Ten Salawaat as given by a student of Madrasah Saulatiyyah, Makkah
O Allah, send salutation and peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, who walks under the sun and he has no shadow following him.
O Allah, send salutation and peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, (so noble he is) that flies never set down on his person...(until the end)

Part of Dala'il al-Khairat as read on Saturdays
And may You (Allah) send salutation upon him (Muhammad) and his family. Send salutations as many times as the number of the creations - who glorify You, and who claim Holiness unto You, and who prostrate to You - since the the day you created this world up to the Day of Resurrection, and for each day you amplify 1000 fold...(until the end)

Salawat Shifa/Tibbiah
O Allah, send salutation upon Sayyidina Muhammad, the kind that cleanses the heart and becomes its healer, that remedies ailment and becomes health restorer, that lights up vision and becomes the illuminator.

Salawat Tafrijiyah
O Allah, send complete salutation and send perfect peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, with whom ceases all that binds, and ends all sadness, and fulfills all wishes, and attains all desires, and ends with goodness, and causes the pouring of rain, by his generous countenance, and upon his family and his companions, as much as glance of an eye and every breath that is made that is in Your Knowledge.

Salawat Munjiyat
O Allah, send salutation upon Sayyidina Muhammad, with which You release us from catastrophe and misfortune, and You fulfill all wishes, and You clear all our wrongdoings, and You elevate our rank by Your side, and You suffice us with kindness during our lifetime and after it, and please send our salutation as well to Muhammad’s family and his companions.

Some translations I took from these sites, thanks to the owners:

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hadith On Love

al-Awaail az-Zamzamiyyah al-Malikiyyah wa Ba’du al-Musalsalaat al-Mashhurah 25/10/2008

This is the second hadith musalsal I got ijazah from Ustaz Fahmi Zamzam al-Banjari an-Nadwi al-Malikito practise. The first hadith already been posted in November 2008. I regret not being able to post exactly as written in the kitab, but I have to save space :(

This hadith al-Musalsal bil-Mahabbah can be recited as part of after-solah wirid.
Anytime after salam, say "Allahumma a'inni 'alaa zikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibaadatik"

Ustaz Fahmi Zamzam said:It has been narrated by our shaykh the knowledge of al-Hijaz, the fragrance of the land of al-Haram as-Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Alawi al-Maaliki al-Hasani (rh) – he has said: It has been narrated to us by many shaykhs, among them:

My father as-Sayyid ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas al-Maliki, as-Shaykh Hasan bin Sa’id Yamani, as-Shaykh Hasan bin Muhammad al-Mashath, as-Shaykh Muhammad Nur Sayf, as-Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani, as-Shaykh Ibrahim al-Khattani al-Bukhari al-Madani, as-Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz at-Tijani, as-Shaykh Soleh bin Muhammad al-Ja’fari, as-Sayyid ‘Abdul ‘Aziz bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari, al-Habib Salim bin Jindan aali Shaykh abu Bakar bin Salim, al-Habib Shaykh bin Salim al-‘Attas, al-Habib ‘Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumait,
and many others that I have mentioned in a separate document.

As-Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Alawi further said: I mention here the chain (common to) of my father, al-Mashath, and al-Fadani.

Each of them has said to me:
إني أحبكم فقولو: اَللهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ
في دبر كل صلاة

Truly I have love for you all, so after each solah say: " O Allah I plea that You make me always remember You, grateful to You, and be of good service to You".

Each of the 3 shaykhs had been narrated the same way by Shaykh ‘Umar Hamdan.

And Shaykh ‘Umar Hamdan himself had been narrated the same way by Shaykh Falih az-Zohiri and Sayyid Muhammad ‘Ali al-Watiri. Shaykh Falih had been narrated similarly by as-Sharif Muhammad bin ‘Ali as-Sanusi, who had received from al-Jamal ‘Abdul Hafiz al-‘Ajimi, from Muhammad Hashim bin ‘Abdul Ghafur, from ‘Id bin ‘Ali an-Namrisi al-Barlisi, from al-Mu’ammar Muhammad al-Bahwati al-Hanbali, from ‘Abdul Rahman al-Bahwati, from Najmuddin al-Ghiiti, from al-Hafiz Jalaluddin as-Suyuti.

As-Suyuti from Abu at-Toyyib Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Hijazi, from the judge of all judges (Qadhi al Qudaat) Majduddin Isma’il bin Ibrahim al-Hanafi, from al-Hafiz Abu Sa’id al-‘Ala’I from Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Armu’I from ‘Abdul Rahman bin Makki from Abu at-Tohir as-Salafi, from Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Karim, from Abu ‘Ali ‘Isa bin Shazan al-Qasar al Basri, from Ahmad bin Sulaiman an-Najad, from Abu Bakar bin Abi ad-Dunya, from al-Hasan bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz al-Jarwi, from al-Hakam bin ‘Abdah, from Haiwah bin Shuraih, from ‘Uqbah bin Muslim, from Abu ‘Abdul Rahman al-Habli, from as-Sonabihi:

From Mu’az bin Jabal (ra), Rasulullah (saw) had said:
يا معاذ، إني أحبك فقل
اَللهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ

O Mu’az, truly I have love for you, therefore you should say: "O Allah I plea that You make me always remember You, grateful to You, and be of good service to You.”

Abi Daud has a slightly different narration, but to the same effect.

And Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi Zamzam al-Banjari an-Nadwi al-Maliki said: My shaykhs: Musnid ad-Dunya as-Shaykh Muhammad Yasin bin ‘Isa al-Fadani al-Makki and the fragrance of the land of al-Haram as-Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani have said:

إني أحبكم فقولو اَللهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ في دبر كل صلاة

Said Imam as-Suyuti: both isnad and tasalsul are sahih. Said as-Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abid: all matan, tasalsul, and isnad are sahih.

Comments by Ustaz Fahmi Zamzam:
  • I had the opportunity to study under Shaykh Yasin Fadani for a few months before he passed away. He had lived to a very old age.
  • Shaykh Soleh bin Muhammad al-Ja’fari – tariqah Ahmadiah Idrisiah Ja’fariah named after him.
  • Ustaz Fahmi received tariqah Ahmadiah Idrisiah from Sayyid Muhammad bin ‘Alawi from the latter's father from Sanusi as-Saghir from Sanusi al-Kabir from Sidi Ahmad bin Idris.
  • Sanad is important. If not for sanad, anybody could have freely said this and that.
  • Haiwah bin Shuraih - a personal confidant of Khalifah Sulaiman bin 'Abdul Malik.

Wallahu a'lam

Friday, March 20, 2009

2 charms of Langkawi

A few days before the maulud of Prophet Muhammad (saw) I had a chance encounter with a student of hadith in Langkawi.

The gentleman did not admit it, but I am under impression that he has memorized most – if not all - of the ahadith in the 6 major hadith books (Kutub as-Sittah). A graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband in India, he related a curious story on how in the early days, the upper floor section of the Darul Hadith building was reserved to jinn-students only. I mean, humans studied downstairs, and jinns upstairs. Now the jinn section is open to human, and people study Quranic tafseer there.
Darul Uluoom Deoband is world-famous for hadith studies. Many ulama graduated from this madrasah.

I have great respect for this young brother for his ability, humbleness, and respect to Islam and the Prophet (saw). He is the imam of masjid, Hanafi by mazhab, yet paused after the 2nd ruku’ in Subuh solah to recite dua qunut in respect of Shafi’i followers behind him. He is of Chishti tariqah, and makes a habit of walking about town reciting Allah’s name at least 6000 times a day. He recites al-Quran several juzu everyday so that he can khatam all 30 juzu in 8 days. He very recently – from 10pm until 5am - debated a deviant visitor from Penang (of Qadiani sect) on legitimacy of Prophet Muhammad (saw) being the final messenger (khatam nubuwwah).

Reflecting on this I wonder how some of us only after reading a few quotes of ahadith, get big-headed and start to attack authority of established ulama. Really these misguided ones have been beguiled by ignorance and nafs-ammarah. How dare they say that we – the followers of mazhab – blindly follow the past ulama, instead of follow the sayings of the Prophet? Do they think none of us study hadith? Get real! I have met a few hadith masters, ALL of them follow one mazhab or another.

If you happen to be in Langkawi, look for Imam Mohammed Khaled of Masjid India (Riadhul ‘Abidin) in Kuah town. Make a visit to this man, maybe there is something good Allah will bestow you. Langkawi at least has charmed me twice: the beauty of the beaches and the encounter with a hadith master. Alhamdulillah.

Kutub as-Sittah: The six famous hadith books comprising of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, the Sunans of an-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, and Ibn Majah.
The brother mentioned they also studied Muwatta’ of Imam Malik and Muwatta’ Imam Muhammad in Darul Uloom.

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Habib Umar's Advise

I was home re-shelving books yesterday when this old note fell down. On 16th February 2008 Habib Umar bin Hafiz came from Hadramaut, Yemen to Subang Jaya in celebration of Maulud Nabi (saw) and gave his discourse. Habib Ali Zainal Abidin translated for us.

Tariqah Sufiyyah

(After the customary hamdalah and salawat to Rasulullah s.a.w)

Allah had destined us to gather here today. He had our names written in His Attendance List even before we got here. There are people out there who are unmindful of the maulud. But think not you are superior over them. Keep yourself low - this is the manners of Islam.

There are no man-made laws that you can compare with laws brought to us by the prophets. Recommendations made by men cannot solve problems that we do not see.

Moses (as) was sent to the Pharaoh to correct his ways. Remember that Pharaoh at that time was strong, and had solid hold over his sovereignty. Moses asked him: “don’t you need to cleanse your heart?” There’s something we can learn from this story.

In surah TaHa, Allah said: “go to Pharaoh, indeed he has transgressed”. But Allah ordered Moses to go with courtesy, not with military force.

The people of tasawwuf –the Sufis – take care to preserve good manners (akhlaq) as shown by Moses. Said Junaid al-Baghdadi (rh): “Akhlaq is tasawwuf. Increase in akhlaq means increase in tasawwuf”. Nothing weighs the mizan heavier than akhlaq. Only those with akhlaq can come near to Rasulullah (saw).

Among the characteristics of sufis are tawaddhu’ and ikhlas. Tawaddhu’ is humility, where you do not want to stand out among those around you. Hasan Basri (rh) said he would never backbite because he cannot stand giving away his own rewards (to those he backbites).

A man from the Israelites worshipped Allah relentlessly for 60 years. He supplicated for some favor but Allah rejected. He criticized himself “if only you had worshipped more, surely Allah would have fulfilled your supplication”. Allah sent a prophet to this man saying “The moment you criticized yourself, Allah values more, than the whole 60 years of your worship. Now supplicate to Allah and ask whatever you want”.

Ikhlas is sincerity. Saidina ‘Ali (ra) brought down an enemy in combat, but stopped short of killing him, being afraid his killing due more to personal revenge than to divine causes. On our part, we should be afraid to commit sin, as much as we are afraid of being thrown into the hellfire.

We are living in an era of fitnah, therefore stay away from useless debates. Remind ourselves that we are being tried with prevalent pseudo-da’wah, breakup of ummah, and digression from sunnah.

Part of a hadith qudsi: “How many of Allah’s servants who take sins lightly, yet those small sins are the cause for him to get su’ul khatimah”.

Wallahu a'lam

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Maulud of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Salawat and salam upon Prophet Muhammad. And upon his family and companions.

We celebrate his birthday today, on 12th of Rabi'ul 'Awwal.

He is the ultimate example for mankind, no doubt.
There is no denying our love for him.
Such a deep love for this noble person is the reason
that we look for every excuse to celebrate him.

We celebrate his birth by reciting more salawat, or recite specific poems such as the Qasidah Burdah of Imam Muhammad bin Sa'id al-Bushiri. The imam said:

How could I hide my love
if that love is manifested in my
tears and suffering
(verse 6)

As long as you do not follow the way of the Christians
(who overly praise Jesus alaihissalam and turn him into god)
praise him (Muhammad) the way you please
(verse 43)

Let me utter the virtues of Muhammad
and make them shine like a beacon
on a hill, greeting the arriving wayfarers

Pearls, beautiful they are stringed together
still they radiate beauty scattered and unpolished
(verse 88-89)

O Allah pour mercy upon Sayyidina Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad,
just like you have poured mercy upon Sayyidina Ibrahim and upon the family of Ibrahim. For all the worlds, really You are the Most Praiseworthy and the Most Honorable.

Wallahu a'lam

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dala'il al-Khayrat - Ibn Sulaiman al-Jazuli

Baba Aziz gave us general ijazah to practise salawat Dala'il al-Khayrat of Shaykh Ibn Sulaiman al-Jazuli last night. The host - Ben Alawi - an extremely generous gentleman he has been, gave us a copy of Shaykh Nuh Keller's edition of Dala'il al-Khayrat. It was not free, but at a very _steeply_ discounted price. May Allah reward them both.

Baba Aziz got his ijazah from two shaykhs:
1. Shaykh Soleh bin Awang Besar al-Kelantani from Shaykh 'Alawi al-Maliki.
2. Shaykh Idris al-Fatoni from Shaykh Bukhari al-Madani.

Words of wisdom from Baba 'Abdul Aziz the night before:

Hadith: Rasululah (saw) has said:
Truly I have been sent to make the noble manners perfect.

Education in Islam leans more towards tarbiyyah - nurturing oneself towards good behavior. This is achieved under supervision of a murabbi or a murshid, a concept alien to many modern Islamic schools and universities. Believe me, education tailored towards worldly benefits will never achieve the goal Islam has set for all of us.
Learning tasawwuf is like looking into a mirror that has that refelective coating behind. You see your own self.
Learning fiqh, on the other hand, is like looking into a mirror without that same coating. All you see is other people around you.
Students of tasawwuf correct thier own shortcomings. Students of fiqh busy themselves trying to correct others.

Subahanallah, how true.
Wallahu a'lam

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Islaminus is 1 year old

Islaminus is 1 year old

Blog Islaminus will never see a 1-year anniversary since it got created on 29th February 2008.


Alhamdulillah. We are grateful that Allah The Most High sent us his messenger as a rahmah to the worlds. And He sent him to set a good example for all of us to follow.

Wallahu a'lam

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Schedule and Directions

Schedule and Directions

Click to see detailed events scheduled for a particular day. Classes are open to the students and public alike: men, women, children. Weekend classes are tailored more towards working adults.

How to get to Madrasah Diniah Ahmadiah a.k.a Pondok Batu 10 From Middle Ring Road (Or Jalan Loke Yew):

1. Take Jalan Cheras towards Kajang until you see Plaza Phoenix on the right
2. Continue on Lebuhraya Cheras - Kajang 4.1 km
3. Take the exit toward Jalan Hulu Langat 0.4 km
4. Turn left at Jalan Hulu Langat 88 m
5. Sharp right at Jalan Cecawi 1 0.4 km
6. Turn left at Jalan Puyuh 0.3 km

Zoom into the google map clicking the '+' button on upper left. You can move around by click-and-drag the mouse.

View Larger Map

Do not worry, with a sincere intention, Allah will bring you there :)

Wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An Encounter With Jinns

An Encounter with Some Rude Jinns

A student of Ustaz Zakaria had this interesting story:

I picked up a book during the weekend at a bookstore called “Akaamul Marjan”– a translation of al-Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuti (rh) about jinns. I read it until late night, and sure enough, they came when I about to sleep…

I was on my bed, halfway between dream and awake (or probably it was just a coincidental nightmare – I don’t know). Their faceless and dark beings surrounded and suffocated me. I could not move even a finger.

I remembered a hadith in the as-Suyuti’s book, that Rasulullah (saw) advised his sahabah to call out the azan 3 times to drive those devils away. That was what I did. During my first azan, I could already hear them struggling. My second azan, they tried to drown out with some nice music. And my third call of azan totally annihilated all but three of them.

As soon as I recited the after-azan du’a, one of them went along reciting with me, but replacing Rasulullah’s (saw) name with something sounded like “Izzit” (his name I guess!). So instead of we supplicating that Allah raise Rasulullah’s maqam, the jinn unashamedly suggested I supplicate that Allah raise Izzit’s maqam. Tricky, slick devils they are!

I tried to shake loose by reciting the Alif-Laam-Miim but could not finish even one sentence. Then by will of Allah, I remembered this one du’a that had saved me a couple of times before. Right after saying this, they let me go and I woke up:

أَعُوْذُ بِكَلِمَاْتِ اللهِ التَّاْمَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَاْ خَلَقَ

(A’uuzubi kalimaatillahi taammati min sharrima kholaq)

I ask protection by the perfect words of Allah, from whatever evil He has created.

I suggest you memorize this du’a, it could be handy in ALL sticky situations – not just against jinns. It is one of the verses in Hizbul Bahri of Imam as-Shadzuli (rh), and I think it is a shorter version of “Ruqayyah Jibril” read by Rasulullah to drive away that Shaytan carrying a torch.

I agree Ayatul-Kursi is the popularly recommended weapon, but it is too long for me, and I often got swayed away in panic.

I (Islaminus) say:
In any case, not all jinns are bad. Some of them are Muslims like us. Some even narrated hadith to the scholars. You can learn all about jinns someplace else… like Imam Suyuti’s book.

I’d like to hear your comments on jinns or nightmares. It is okay to comment if you have different explanation and do not believe in supernaturals. Maybe what this brother encountered had some simple psychological explanation.

Wallahu a'lam

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 15th February 2009

The Prophet (saw) has said:

ما من عبد مظلوم فشخص ببصره إلى السماء إلا قال الله عزوجل لبيك عبدي حقا عليَّ لأنصرنك ولو بعد حين

Anybody who has been wronged, and raised his eyes towards the heavens
(supplicating for help), Allah will say “O My servant, I hear your call, it is
just a matter of time before I help you”.

In another hadith the Prophet (saw) broke down acts of zholim into three:
  • One that can never be forgiven – taking something else besides Allah as a god.
  • One that is accountable – a zholim act among fellow men. Will not be forgiven unless absolved by the party ebing wronged.
  • One that can be forgiven – every sin committed on oneself.

Mu’awiyah (ra) said: “I would humiliate myself if I commit zholim on a person who has nobody to fend for himself but Allah The Most High.

Some wise men have said:
  • When doing zholim on somebody, remind yourself on how Allah has been fair to him.
  • When you in possession of authority, remind yourself of Allah’s authority over you.
  • Never be awed by your own ability to take life because your life will be taken away just the same.

Abu Nur bin Yazid has said that a building, which founding material been taken away from the rightful owner unjustly, is liable to collapse sooner.

It is related that in his youth, Kisra had been educated by a teacher on manners. Once his teacher hit him while he had committed nothing wrong.
Later when he became the king, he asked his teacher why he had done zholim by hitting him on that particular day. The teacher answered:
“ I saw you have particular interest in manners, and I hoped that you would take over the kingdom after your father. I made you the receiving end of tyranny so you would never become a tyrant”.

Ustaz Zakaria said:
  • It is not allowed to transfer a floor carpet or any material from a masjid to a surau or another building of lesser rank.
  • Never foster anger towards your teacher, this is unmannered.
    Shaykh Usman Perlis once in a middle of lesson on tasawwuf (Hikam) ordered his students out to pull weed from the lemon trees. Some who thought this order weird went home instead. The Shaykh then called the remaining students back in, and explained: “This is tasawwuf, it is all about manners. How are you going to get any benefit if you distrust your teacher?”.
    Shaykhs Usman, Haji Abdul Qadir Ga’al, Shihabuddin Bukit Mertajam, all learned together under Shaykh Abdullah Tahir in Bunut Payung, Kelantan. During this time, Tok Kenali had become old and his pondok was not as popular.

Wallahu a'lam

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Friday, February 13, 2009

A Ruler And His Deputy

Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 8th February 2009

Maimun bin Mahran said that while he was with Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz (rh), a man who claimed to be the son of Bilal bin Rabah (ra) asked for permission to enter. Said the man:

My father has narrated to me that Rasulullah (saw) had said that a ruler who places a wall that prevents people from seeing him, then Allah will put a wall in front of him during the Judgment Day.

Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz immediately ordered the doorman home, and nobody ever saw anybody standing by his door afterwards.

Khalid bin ‘Abdullah al-Qushairi said to his bodyguard:

"When I sit, do not stop anybody from entering to see me. Know that a ruler should let everybody see him but three:

1. An unmannered fool who he does not like to be seen with
2. A person who is known as a schemer or of suspect character
3. A tightfisted man who dislike being asked for help."

It is demanded that a ruler appoints a reliable person as a deputy:
  • who can be trusted with his religion
  • whose words can be trusted
  • of impeccable character
  • who has insight into matters of his people
  • who is aware of his responsibilities to fellow creatures of Allah

Stay away from appointing a weak, or person of following flaw into position of power:
  • Who is not ashamed of committing evil
  • Who is of lower social status among his people
  • Who is too reticent or talks too little

If a ruler is a castle, then his deputy is the door. Whoever needs to enter, he will first knock on the door. A deputy is also a mirror that his ruler looks at everyday. What he sees in the mirror reflects himself. If he fails to look at the mirror, then he will not know if his kingdom is good shape or in shambles.

A deputy has to be intelligent, insightful, and honest.

The people of power should be aware of the dangers of injustice (zholim). In al-Quran, Allah has said:

So we put Allah’s curse upon those who do injustice

Think not that Allah is oblivious to the doings of the unjust

We have prepared the Fire that engulf those who commit injustice

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

"Whoever denies a muslim his rights, then Allah has promised him the Fire, and refused him the Jannah."
A man then asked:
"O Nabiyyulah, even just a little (of injustice)?
The Prophet (saw) said: Even as little as a piece of your ‘arak (toothbrush stick)."

Ustaz Zakaria said:

Zholim – literally putting something not at its place e.g. you buy a hat and wear it on your feet. Shar’i definition – doing something inappropriate to another person.
If you elect an unjust government, then you have a share being a zholim.

There used to be a man called Tok Wali Padang Kala in Kelantan. Often seen carrying huge tasbih beads and doing zikir. He walked into the state palace and asked for money from the sultan. He was a fake “wali” really, but the sultan was impressed enough to give some pocket money.

Tok Wali Haji Ismail Lundang Paku (rh) was by consensus a wali of Allah, gifted with kasyaf. Studied under Tuan Tabal (rh).

A leader should be of impeccable character, visionary, and should not be swayed away by money.

Wallahu a'lam

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    Friday, February 6, 2009

    Rulers Are Like The Wind

    Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 1st February 2009

    Once in lands of the west a sultan heard about an orchard. The sugarcane were sweet and its juice plenty. He fancied what if the orchard was his, and set out to meet the lady owner.

    The owner cut down a sugarcane and squeezed out not even a bowl of juice. Caught by surprise, she thought aloud if the low quantity could be result of her sultan who wanted to seize the orchard from her. The sultan repented, the lady cut down another sugarcane, and this time the juice were plenty.

    Sidi Abu Bakar at-Turtusi narrated in his “Sirajul Muluk”, there once had been date tree in So’idi, Egypt with dates so plenty its harvest was twice a normal tree. The year the sultan took it away from the owner, the tree stopped producing altogether.

    In Iskandariah (Alexandria), there was a little bay by the sea with fish so abundant that even children were able to catch them. The local chief later laid claim to the area and prohibited fishing. As a result, the fish disappeared until this day, and nobody took benefit.

    When a ruler behaves, so will his kingdom. When he misbehaves – even a slight evil intention – the whole kingdom would pay.

    Historians have related to us about past rulers and their citizens:

    During the time of Hajjaj (bin Yusuf as-Tsaqafi), people inquire each other in the morning: “Who were killed or beaten last night?”
    During time of Walid (bin ‘Abdul Malik) – who loved castles and gardens – people asked each other whose turn it was to build houses, dig up irrigation ditches, or planted seeds.
    During time of Sulaiman bin ‘Abdul Malik – who loved good food and married frequently– people talked about food and raised dowry.

    The best of time came during caliphate of ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, where people asked each other how much of al-Quran, kitab or wirid they memorized, or how many days they fasted.

    The rulers should follow the path of sahabah and the pious salaf, this would safeguard their kingdom and themselves from disaster.

    Nobody claims friendship to a just ruler but the Prophet (saw) himself and the angels. What more, a just ruler is like the blowing wind that spreads seed from the flowers. He is the essence that fertilizes the barren soul of his people.

    It is proper that a ruler should leave his door open so that people are able to bring matters to his attention directly.

    Ustaz Zakaria said:

    When the king is unjust, price of consumer goods rises.

    Kampung Kubang Ikan in Besut had been named after a small lake with a lot of fish. As late as the 60’s, people had no need to go to the market to get fish. Some villagers used bamboo traps, others used fishing rods. Later the local government made an irrigation canal for the paddy fields, and the lake dried up.

    The same village also blessed with birds (burung sitar) that landed in the bushes at night. Nobody knew where they came from, but villagers mimicked their call, and chased them into traps on the ground. Hundreds were caught in a single night. The flesh was tasty. The wildlife department put a stop to this declaring the sitar was endangered. Strange as it was, the sitar disappeared once the villagers stopped capturing them.

    Many folks in Kelantan these days spend ime inside the mosques. Any quality reflection from their state leadership?

    Wallahu a'lam

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    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Faridatul Faraid and Bakuroh Amani by Baba Harun

    New Kitab Tonight

    Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, salawat and salam upon Rasulullah.

    Starting tonight, Baba Harun from Pondok Raja Teliang, South of Thailand will conduct lessons based on classical Islamic texts. InshaAllah he will teach for 1 week every month here in Madarasah Diniah Ahmadiah Batu 10 Cheras. Everybody is welcome to take benefit.

    After Isha' inshaAllah Baba Harun will read Faridatul Faraid (by Shaykh Wan Ahmad Zain Fatani) and Bakuroh Amani (by Shaykh Wan Ismail Fatani). Both on Tauhid, but there is possibility he will add other texts as he sees fit. Stay posted.

    Wallahu a'lam

    Wednesday, January 28, 2009

    Taqlid and Mazhab for Simple Folks

    Simple Man’s Guide - Why Take Lessons from Shaykhs

    I found this on, funny and simple yet goes deep. I liberally translate and summarize it from a Malay transcript. Original is here.

    This is part of lesson on Munyatul Musolli (by a reliable shaykh inshaAllah).

    The prophet (saw) once said:

    Sollu kama ro aitumuni usolli

    Perform solah just like how you see me performing it.

    Can we actually see the Prophet perform solah these days? No! So we take instructions as relayed to us by the contemporary ulama. We go to lessons.

    Simply copying, reading does not count as “going to lessons”. The ulama themselves went to lessons instructed by their shaykhs, who in turn had taken lessons from their shaykhs, who took from the earlier generation up to the tabi’in, the sahabah, then the Prophet (saw), who himself took from Jibril, who took from Allah The Most High. Allah could have revealed directly to Prophet Muhammad (saw), yet He sent Jibril to teach solah to Rasulullah (saw) eye-to-eye during the night of Isra’ and Mi’raj.

    Once somebody phoned me and asked: “Ustaz, I found this wirid in a book. I recited it a few times, and I felt heated”.
    So I asked if he took it from a shaykh, he said “no, just from a book”.
    This is a regular wirid, thousands other people practice this same wirid hundreds thousands times a day without feeling any heat. This person who had stumbled into it and practice without instructions for sure would get some negative effect.

    It is not right to copy or practice something without getting proper instructions. If you want to study religion, go to a reliable ‘alim. Make sure he has proper authority and proper chain. We preserve the chain so we get the correct knowledge.

    Deriving Rules from al-Quran and Ahadith

    Why bother with the fiqh kitabs? Why follow mazhabs? Is not Islamic jurisprudence based on al-Quran and ahadith?
    The answer is “Yes”, but those are Allah’s and Rasulullah (saw) words. Sometimes only if we posses the right tools can we derive rulings from them. Things we do not understand we should take from the fiqh kitabs instead. Imams Shafi’i, Malik, Ibn Hanbal, Abu Hanifah had already digested Quran and hadith, and they came out with conclusions and suggestions that they recorded in the fiqh books. I afraid if we read and translate Quran and hadith ourselves, we make grave mistakes due to lack of knowledge.

    It is like durian fruit, you want to eat the inside, but you’re not equipped to break the thorny shell. What do you do? Let somebody else break it for you!

    In any case, if you have the tools and skills, go ahead, break the durian yourself.

    Allah has said:

    Fas aluu ahlaz zikr in kuntum la ta’lamuun.
    Ask people of knowledge if you do not know.

    If you do not know, then who else to ask if not the imams of mazhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali). Go learn from the ulama of respective mazhabs, inshaAllah you will be safe. You should follow (taqlid) a mazhab, and when you do, follow only a single mazhab from beginning to end. Take wudhu’ according to Shafi’i, then perform solah according to Shafi’i. Do not worry, all those rulings came from al-Quran and hadith.

    Imam Shafi’i, when he was seven years old, he had all of Quran in his head. Us? We were still running around naked at seven. Imam Malik, he took lessons from 900 shaykhs. Us? We learned from one shaykh in whole of our lives, and already we think our head is big.
    Consider a hadith that says Nabi (saw) went to bed after 'Isha, woke up at midnight and performed tahajjud without taking wudhu? How is it that our mazhab Shafi'i says wudhu is broken with sleep? Is not that ruling contradict a hadith? The answer is that there are a few conflicting ahadith on this specific matter. Some mention that Nabi (saw) did take wudhu and some other said he did not. Our ulama have considered all of the ahadith and concluded that wudhu is broken with prolonged sleeping on our back. Some other mazhab concluded otherwise.

    Doing Taqlid on Creed

    On the other hand, if you want to be a faithful muslims, never do taqlid on matters of creed (tauhid). Example of doing taqlid on tauhid:
    Q: Is there God?
    A: Yes
    Q: How do you know?
    A: My father said so!
    We probe further:
    Q: Allah, is He all-powerful?
    A: No question about that.
    Q: How do you know?
    A: My grandfather said so, my mother, my brother all said so.

    This is not acceptable. You have to be totally convinced in matters of Tauhid.

    Switching Mazhabs

    No doubt we allowed to switch mazhab. The only problem is we still unclear about our own mazhab. How to switch if we still in the dark about our own position, let alone the position of other mazhabs?

    On zakah – if you plant rice, then give back rice grain as zakah according to Shafi’i. But we find this troublesome, so without knowing it, we already made the switch to Maliki in giving out equivalent sum of money as zakah.

    On asking forgiveness - if we offend others and want to make up, we ask forgiveness by detailing out our offense to the offended party. Tell the other guy you stole his rice harvest, or his shoes. A blanket apology would not do. In Shafi’I you have to admit everything.
    In Maliki, suffice to ask forgiveness to the offended party and tell only yourself why you are apologizing. No problem if we Shafi’i, but follow Maliki in this case.

    The important issue is that you go to lessons and take instructions from qualified shaykhs. Never imitate other people’s doings. Go to masjids and suraus where the shaykhs teach based on kitabs.
    Wallahu a'lam

    Islaminus’ p/s: I’d appreciate it if admin let me know in case he doesn’t agree with my translation – thanks.

    Thursday, January 15, 2009

    Leaders’ Burden

    Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 11th January 2009

    Some of the past rulers used to write 3 pieces of note, which were to be handed back to him one by one anytime he becomes angry.

    The first note said:
    "You are no god but mere mortal. When you die the earth will consume you."

    The second note:
    "Have mercy upon those on earth, those in the heavens will have mercy upon you."

    The third:
    "Rule the people by laws of Allah, nothing else is more appropriate."

    A ruler has no option but to encourage good behavior; else, his kingdom will be punished with crime and wrongdoing.
    Once a jew came into audience of Caliph ‘Abdul Malik bin Marwan complaining being wronged by a state official. He demanded apology and that the jews be treated fairly. The caliph turned away with hatred; the jew repeated his plea second time and got the similar response. Finally the jew said:
    “O Commander of the Faithful, the Torah as revealed to Moses says that a leader should never collaborate in acts of tyranny. If it has been made known to him, yet he fails to prevent tyranny, then he is a collaborator!”
    ‘Abdul Malik was so shaken he spared no time to sack the official. He later returned what was rightful to the jew.

    Iskandar Zulkarnain once said:
    “O servants of Allah, indeed your god is Allah and there is no god besides Him. Know that He is the one who helped Noah, and He showers you with rain when you are in need of drink, and unto Him you return when you die. By Allah, if He is fond of something, then I would be fond of it too and I will keep doing it until I die. If He despise something then I would find it despicable too, and I will stay clear of it until the day I die.
    I have been told that Allah loves to do justice to His servants, and detests those who oppress others. Woe upon the oppressors! Beware that those I have appointed into position and rules justly, he can sit at ease in my gathering. He can ask for anything and I shall realize it.”

    It is said that when a leader is corrupt, then his people will be corrupt. Likewise when the leader is good, so are the people.

    Wahab bin Manbah (ra) said when a leader does something inappropriate, Allah will show disapproval by taking something away from his people or from his harvests. On the other hand if he does something righteous, then Allah will shower his land with bounty and abundance.

    Historians said a king once concealed his royalty and made rounds to see well being of his people. He came across a farmer, whose prize cow produced huge quantity of milk – so huge the milk was 3o times as much as a normal cow would produce. In amazement he fancied how nice if the cow had been his own. The next morning he saw the farmer squeezed milk out only half of normal quantity, and he asked why so. The farmer was surprised himself and replied he had fed the cow as usual, but it just might be possible that his king had behaved unjustly, thus his nation had become less prosper. The king realized his mistake and repented silently. The next morning the cow produced a lot of milk again.

    Ustaz Zakaria said:
    • Allah will never give guidance to the tyrants.
    • Each muslim is responsible to help establish a just government. There are many ways to fulfill this responsibility, do not become narrow-minded. Currently the right way is by democracy, not by armed revolution.
    • The original Torah advocated peace and justice. The jewish people who are bombing the Palestinian muslims these days are clearly not following their book.
    • The Arabs might wear white robes, but they do not necessarily do so due to Islamic tendency. Most of them practise secular system in daily life.
    • The kings of old times were sensitive to the laws of Allah.
    • Be fair to captive animals, give them food, drinks, mate.
    • There are many categories of disbelievers (kaafir): harbi, muawwaman, muahhad etc. Pass judgment on them based on their own religion.

    Wallahu a'lam

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    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    Merits of a Just Ruler

    Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 4th January 2009

    ‘Abdul Rahman bin Samurrah said that The Prophet (saw) had said:

    Do not ask for position to rule over people. Nevertheless if it is given to you without asking, then Allah may help you. If it is given because you asked for it, then you are left to fend for yourself alone with it.

    We are obliged to take side with a just ruler, on the other hand, we are obliged to break away when he is unjust. And know that best of times comes when the land is ruled with justice.

    Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said:

    A day’s worth of deeds – when performed by a just leader - merit more than 100 year’s worth of deeds performed by a man who is only fair to his family.

    A moment spent by a just leader is more precious than sixty year’s worth of worship.

    A supplication made to Allah, by a just leader, is never rejected.

    Saidina Umar (ra) once said to Ka’ab (ra): Tell me about the Gardens of Eden (Jannatu ‘Adn).
    Said Ka’ab: O Amirul Mu’minin, no one sits in there except the Prophets, the Siddiqin, the Martyrs, and the leaders who are just.
    Said Umar: I am no prophet, but I am a believer (siddiq) in Rasulullah (saw). I am not a just leader, but I hope I am no tyrant either. And regarding a martyr, am I worthy to be mentioned with it?

    Said Hasan: Then Allah made Saidina Umar a siddiq and a martyr, who had ruled with justice and fairness.

    Iskandar (Zulkarnain) asked the wise among people of Babylon: "Which is more honorable to you, being brave or just?"
    Said the wise people: "When we are adorned with justice, there is no need for bravery."

    At the times of Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, some of his governors sent letters asking for funds to make repairs to infrastructures. He replied:

    "I have read and understood your letter. Make repairs to your state, but start by repairing yourself with justice and rid yourself of tyranny. These are the solution to the damage done to your state."

    Declared Kisra (of Persia): "There will be no government without an army, there will be no army without wealth, there will be no wealth if there is no kingdom, there will be no kingdom except with people, and there will be no people except when ruled with justice."

    Shuraij Ibnu ‘Ubaid said that among the past generations of Bani Israel, when a king went furious there was always an advisor who would hand out notes – piece by piece until his anger recede. The notes would say:

    إرحم المسلمين، وخف الموت، واذكر الآ خرة

    "Have mercy on your subjects (muslimin), and fear death, and remember the Day of Judgment."

    Ustaz Zakaria added:

    • When people appoint you as a leader without you asked for it, you can accept it. There is a chance Allah will help you.
    • Never take side with unjust ruler. But do cooperate if what he wants to do if for the good of all.
    • As stated by people of Babylon, when you are just, people will love you, and you do not need armed escorts around you.
      As Shaykh Ibrahim al-Laqqani had written in Jauharitut Tauhid: It is obligatory to establish a just government. A just government rules by the law of Allah. Unjust government rules from his own ideas.
    • In the early days of Malaysia, pilgrims smuggled home the kitab “Mutiara” by Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Mandili from Makkah. They wrapped the kitab in plastic bags and left it in cooked rice inside pots. The kitab had been banned because it prescribes the proper way to govern a country as per Islam teachings. If police found it on board the pilgrim ships, it would be thrown overboard to the sharks.
    • When we see the old shaykhs not being active with political speeches, do not write them off as politically apathetic. They contribute (albeit silently) with their own style, because not everybody is gifted with eloquence.
    • Ustaz Zakaria told us how his madrasah started off in early 1990’s with the help of locals in Sungai Sekamat:
      - Haji Rushdan of Bukit Dukung and friends helped.
      - From donations, were able to buy ¼ acres of land from Cik Sudin; then added another ½ acres.
      - Had to sell back the land due to the Cheras-Kajang highway construction. Cik Sudin bought back at market value.
      - Used the money to buy current place. The construction company contributed RM25k to build current madrasah.

    Wallahu a'lam

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    Sunday, January 4, 2009

    Ruler and Responsibilites

    Munyatul Musolli ( Tatmimul Faa’idah) 21st December 2008

    Shaykh Daud Fatoni had added this section to the kitab Munyatul Musolli – which discuss issues on responsibilities as a ruler. According to narrations, a sultan of Petani (currently part of Southern Thailand) asked the world-famous Mecca-based Shaykh Daud to write up a reference manual on solah. He obliged, hence this kitab Munyatul Musolli; but as a subtle reminder to the sultan, he added a piece of advise on how to rule a country. This article he called "Tatmimul Faa’idah".

    Ruler and Responsibilites.

    From Ibn ‘Abbas (ra), Rasulullah (saw) once said:

    وقروا السلطان وأجلوه فإنه عز الله وظله في الأرض إذا كان عدلا

    Revere and respect your sultan because when he is just, he represents greatness of Allah and he is His shadow on the face of earth.

    From Umar (ra): O Rasulullah, tell me about a sultan who is so respected that people bend low before him. What is he like?
    Rasulullah (saw) said: He is a shadow of Allah on earth. When he rules justly, then a reward due for him and gratefulness due from his subjects. When he rules tyrannically, a sin due for him and patience due from his subjects.

    Rasulullah (saw) also had said:
    A ruler who is good to his subjects - but neglects them with what Allah has trusted him and careless to guide them- has made Allah’s otherwise abundant mercy, narrow.

    Malik bin Dinar (rh) said Allah has transpired to me saying:
    I am the king of all kings, whose hearts I hold in my Hand. Whoever shows loyalty will get My mercy, and whoever shows defiance will get My punishment. Do not burden your tongue by reviling your king, but plea forgiveness from Allah and ask Him to soften their hearts towards you.

    It is proper if all kings and rulers remind himself with the following ayah from the Quran:

    يا داود إنا جعلناك خليفة في الأرض فاحكم بين الناس بالحق ولا تتبع الهوى فيضلك عن سبيل الله

    O Daud, we made you our Representative (Khalifah) on the earth, so rule the people with the true justice, and never give in to your whims and desires lest they make you go astray.

    Ruling by personal inclination was what made made Nabi Sulaiman bin Daud (as) fell from his throne. Once a group of people had come to him having a quarreled with another group. Nabi Sulaiman judged in favor of the former, who were from the same region (named Juradah) as his wife.

    Ma’qal bin Yasar (ra) said I heard from Rasulullah (saw) that a ruler who cares for the welfare of his subjects, but ignore to guide and give advice to them, will not even get a whiff of Paradise. (While good Muslims would have caught the scent 500 years away).

    Further our Nabi (saw) said whoever governs over a group of muslims, but fails to give them advice - just like he should to his own family (on Islamic matters) - he has prepared a place for himself in the Hellfire.

    Ustaz Zakaria said:
    • Allah does not hesitate to accept supplication made by a just ruler.
    • If a ruler oppresses you, then be patient. If you have the means, then replace him.
    • If a ruler does good things for his subjects, then you should cooperate with him.
    • If a ruler does not rule by principles laid down in Islam, then he could become either tyrant or a fasiq, or a kafir. And Allah would befall disaster to such a ruler:
      - He loses his position.
      - His country suffer natural disasters.
      -His people suffer from violent crimes.

    • Past ulama became very afraid if people tried to appoint them into positions of authority.
    • It is irrelevant which political party governs our country, as long as it does so by laws of Allah.
    • Sultan Zainal Abidin (rh) of Terengganu had set good example. He made regular rounds into the villages. If the day was Friday, he would step up in the local mosque and give khutbah in Jumu’ah.
    • Tok Guru Umar of Rantau Panjang once got thrown into prison for citing the Quran verse "O Daud…rule the people with justice…" in a public speech. These days, candidates from either party seem to have forgotten this verse.
    • Weird thinking of our elected leaders: If we suggest them to legally take another wife, they refuse for fear being unjust. If there is opportunity to run for leadership, they rush for it (without fear of being unjust evenmore for thousands or millions of subjects).
    • Tok Kenali - a wali of Allah - once said: "money on you mind, and you trip yourself walking" (Malay: "fulus-fulus akibatnya jerlus").
    • With all these warnings, we still clawing at each other to make it to the top?
    Wallahu a'lam

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    Thursday, January 1, 2009

    Sunnah Solah, End of Kitab

    Munyatul Musolli 30th November 2008

    Solah Tarawih – performed every night during month of Ramadan anytime after Isya’ until break of dawn, and to be performed in congregation.

    “I perform solah sunnah Tarawih 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    It is preferred to recite the Fatihah and surah loudly. Do the tashahhud every two raka’ahs and give the salam. Although every 4 raka’ahs counts as 1 unit of tarawih, it is not valid to do 4 raka’ahs with one salam. Repeat until completed 20 raka’ahs in total. Follow up the tarawih with solah witir. Important to note that during second half of Ramadan, the du’a qunut should be recited in the last raka’ah of the witir.

    Solah Kusufi-Shams – performed during eclipse of the sun.

    “I perform solah sunnah sun-eclipse 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    You can choose to perform in either method:

    Method #1
    Just like any sunnah solah – 2 raka’ahs with 1 salam.

    Method #2
    Lengthier (and preferred) 2 raka’ahs. Each raka’ah has 2 qiyam, 2 ruku’, 2 i’tidal, 2 sujud.

    After Fatihah of the first qiyam, recite surah al-Baqarah; after Fatihah of the second qiyam surah ‘Aali-Imran; the third qiyam Surah An-Nisaa’; the fourth qiyam surah al-Maidah.

    The surahs mentioned above can be replaced with multiple surahs adding up to similar length.

    Each ruku’ and sujud should be longer than done in a regular solah:
    The first ruku’ and first sujud should be about the length to recite silently 100 ayaat of surah al-Baqarah.
    The 2nd ruku’ and 2nd sujud should be about the length to recite silently 80 ayaat of surah al-Baqarah.
    The 3rd ruku’ and 3rd sujud should be about the length to recite 70 ayaat.
    The 4th ruku’ and 4th sujud should be about the length to recite 50 ayaat.

    Solah Khusufi-Qamar – performed during eclipse of the moon.

    “I perform solah sunnah moon-eclipse 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    Choose to perform in one of 2 methods similar to the sun-eclipse solah.

    After both eclipse solah, it is encouraged to give khutbah if performed in congregation - similar to solah of Eid, but without takbir. This is when Muslims should be called to repent, to return what they had taken away unrightfully, to set free captured animals, to give sadaqah, and to perform other good deeds.

    Solah Istisqa’ – to ask for rain.

    This solah is similar to the Eid; 2 raka’ahs; and preferably performed at the same time of the day as Eid. However it is OK to perform it at any time of day or night. This solah to be repeated until the rain falls.

    The niat is: “I perform solah sunnah istisqa’ 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    Raise hands for takbir 7 times in the first raka’ah during qiyam, and 5 times in the second. Say the tasbih between takbir just like in the Eid solah.

    The person giving sermon should say the istighfar 9 times continuously at the beginning of first khutbah, and 7 times beginning of second khutbah.:

    أَستَغفِرُاللّهَ العَظِيمَ الَّذِي لاَإِلٰهَ إِلاَّهُوَ الحَيُّ القَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ

    As a side note:
    When thunder or lightning strikes, it is recommended to say the du’a:

    سُبحَانَ مَن يُسَبِّحُ الرَّعدُبِحَمدِهِ وَالمَلاَءِكَةُ مِن خِيفَتِهِ

    Do not follow (look at) the lightning when it strikes nor when it withdraws.

    Also it is recommended to say this du’a when it rains:

    اَللّٰهُمَّ صَيِّبًا نَافِعًا

    But when the rain is too heavy and could cause damage, say:

    اَللّٰهُمَّ حَوَالَيْنَا وَلاَ عَلَيْنَا اَللّٰهُمَّ عَلَى الآكَامِ وَالظِّرَابِ وَبُطُونِ الأَوْدِيَةِ وَمَنَابِتِ الشَّجَرِ

    Solah Tahajjud

    Among the non-fard solah recommended to be performed in jama’ah are tarawih and witir in Ramadan, the two Eids, the two eclipse, and istisqa’.

    And among the non-fard solah not recommended in jama’ah are tahajjud, which is performed at night after sleep. Two rak’ahs is ideal, but if you like otherwise, perform 4, 6, or 8 rak’ahs.

    “I perform solah sunnah tahajjud 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    Solah Sunnah Mutlaq

    This is a solah performed without relevance to any time frame or any cause. You could perform it day or night, even though night-time mutlaq is more preferred.

    “I perform solah sunnah 2 raka’ahs due to Allah Ta'ala.”

    Final Advise From Shaykh Daud al-Fatoni On Solah

    It should be impressed that we should safeguard all our solah. Priority should be given to the nightly solah, because they are hard to keep. Remember that with some persistence and patience, our nafs (evil-side) shall give way, so that the door to Allah opens and we start to taste the sweetness of communicating with Him.

    Rest assured that once you get the hang of it, you will take no issue of waking up at night for solah, and quite possibly you would be hungry for it. We have been narrated with stories of how the pious did solah throughout the night – so engrossed that they perform Subuh with the wudhu’ they took before Isha’! These are the people guided by Allah, and we want to emulate them.

    If too many a solah become too heavy on us, then perform only some of them. Keep in mind though, there is a hadith that says those who sleep a lot, will rise in the Day of Resurrection poor and destitute. People who sleep a lot also set to lose blessings of their life and waste away their youth.

    Make it known that deeds that are little, but performed consistently scores very high by Allah compared to deeds that are many, but done intermittently. Nabi (saw) said:

    أحب الأعمال إلى اللّٰه أدومها وإن قل

    Allah has more love for deeds that are consistent, even if they are little.

    Finally, it is recommended that we make up sunnah solah that we miss.

    اَللّٰهُمَّ اجعَلنَا مِنَ المُحَافِظِينَ وَالمُقِيمِينَ الصَّلاَةَ المُخلِصِينَ لِوَجهِكَ الكَرِيمِ يَا رَبَّ العالَمِينَ


    Ustaz Zakaria said:
    • 20 raka’ahs for Tarawih is as per ijma’ sahabah. Ulama of old performed 4 raka’ahs, stopped for rest, then resumed with another 4 raka’ahs.
    • When the sun/moon eclipses why behave like unbelievers and busy looking for telescope? There is nothing to see. We Muslims better do solah so we get reward from Allah.
    • It is allowed to keep animals in cage if we can take benefit from its meat, beauty, or voice. This is fiqh ruling. Of course it is better to set them free.
    • Ustaz Zakaria just got back from Rantau Panjang to deliver waqaf kitabs. The Baba (shaykhs) from Southern Thailand were very appreciative and shed tears accepting the precious kitab and al-Quran from us. They had to unload from back of truck in heavy rain.
    • Never look at lightning for fear of diminishing your sight.
    • Follow the path and become a salik. When the heart is clean, then solah becomes easy. Among conditions to be a salik:
      * You have a strong will
      * You join a group
      * You practice special wirid.
    • “Waridat” is a state of ecstasy, a gift from Allah. It is spontaneous and you cannot pretend that you’ve attained it. Imagine an elated athlete who jump and pump his fist after winning first place.
    • Study your religion diligently, the more shaykhs and more kitabs, the better.
    • Ustaz Zakaria has ijazah for 3 ahzab: Bahri; Nawawi; Nasri.
    • Only pangolins sleep a lot. Men do not.
    • All debt to Allah has to be repaid. Missed solah has to be made up.
    • Yesterday a generous person from Gombak donated a piece of land in Pekan, Pahang, as a site for another madrasah. Praise to Allah who has given us another opportunity to perform good deeds. Such good fortune is a form of rizq, not everybody get it.
    • Recently somebody criticized our madrasah system - blindly. Shame on him for belittling us while his own children get no proper Islamic education. We follow a proven system here, we have schedules, and we take care of the live-in students.

    Wallahu a'lam

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